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Ranta 3

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Engë nér i Farisaron; esserya nánë Nicorémus, ingwë Yúraron.    ;        There was a man of the Pharisees; his name was Nicodemus, a ruler of [the] Jews.
2 Nér sina túlë senna i lómissë ar equë senna: “Rappi, istalmë i nalyë peäntar túliënwa Erullo, an eä úquen ye polë carë tanwar sinë qui Eru ua ósë.”                                  This man came to him in the night and said to him: “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for [there] is nobody who can do these signs if God is not with him.”
3 Yésus hanquentë ar equë senna: “Násië, násië quetin lyenna, qui aiquen ua nóna ata, uas polë cenë Eruo aranië.”                          Jesus answered and said to him: “Truly, truly I say to you, if anyone is not born again, he cannot see God’s kingdom.”
4 Equë senna Nicorémus: “Manen quén polë návë nóna írë násë yára? Ma polis nanwenë amilleryo mónanna náven nóna ata?”                     Nicodemus said to him: “How can a person be born when he is old? Can he return to his mother’s womb to be born again?”
5 Yésus hanquentë: “Násië, násië quetin lyenna, qui aiquen ua nóna nennen ar fairenen, uas polë tulë mir Eruo aranië.                         Jesus answered: “Truly, truly I say to you, if anybody is not born by water and by spirit, he cannot come into God’s kingdom.
6 Ya nóna ná hrávenen hrávë ná, ar ya nóna ná fairenen fairë ná.                What is born by flesh is flesh, and what is born by spirit is spirit.
7 Áva tatalla pan quenten lyenna: Mauya len návë nóna ata.             Do not wonder because I said to you: You [pl] must be born again.
8 I súrë surya yassë meris, ar hlaril lammarya, mal ual ista yallo tulis hya yanna lelyas. Sië ilquen ná ye anaië nóna i fairenen.”                              The wind blows where it wants, and you [sg.] hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is goes to. So is eveyrone who has been born by the spirit.”
9 Nicorémus hanquentë ar equë senna: “Manen nati sinë polir marta?”            Nicodemus answered and said to him: “How can these things happen?”
10 Yésus hanquentë ar equë senna: “Ma elyë peäntar Israélo ná ar ual ista nati sinë?                 Jesus answered and said to him: “Are you Israel’s teacher and you do not know these things?
11 Násië, násië quetin lyenna, ya istalmë quetilmë ar ya ecéniëlmë vettalmë, mal ualdë camë vettiëlma.                    Truly, truly I say to you [sg.], what we know we speak and what we have seen we witness [about], but you [pl.] do not receive our witness.
12 Qui anyáriën len pa i nati cemeno ar ualdë savë, manen savuvaldë qui nyarin len pa i nati menelo?                     If I have told you [pl.] about the things of earth and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about the things of heaven?
13 Entë, úquen eménië ama menelenna hequa ye utúlië undu menello, i Atanyondo.                Furthermore, nobody has gone up to heaven except [he] who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man.
14 Ar tambë Móses ortanë i leuca i erumassë, sívë mauya i Atanyondon návë ortana,                 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so [it] is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up,
15 in ilquen ye savë sessë samuva oira coivië.          that everybody who believes in him will have eternal life.
16 An sië Eru emélië i mar, in antanes ernóna Yondorya, in ilquen ye savë hessë lá nauva nancarna, mal samuva oira coivië.                           For so God has loved the world, that he gave his only-born Son, that everyone who believes in that one shall not be destroyed, but shall have eternal life.
17 An Eru mentanë Yondorya, lá namiëryan i mar, mal i rehtiën i mardeva hénen.                  For God sent his Son, not for him to judge the world, but for the salvation of the world by that one.
18 Ye savë hessë lá nauva námina. Ye ua savë anaië námina yando sí, pan uas asávië mí essë i ernóna Eruiono.                         [He] who believes in that one shall not be judged. [He] who does not believe has been judged even now, since he has not believed in the name of the only-born Son of God.
19 Ar si i námië ná, in i cala utúlië mir i mar, mal Atani méler i mornië or i cala, an cardaltar nar ulcë.                             And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, but Men loved the darkness over the light, for their deeds [/works] are evil.
20 An ye carë şaurë nati yelta i cala ar ua merë tulë i calanna, i cardaryar lá nauvar naityanë.                      And [he] who does foul things hates the light and does not want to come to the light, [so] that his deeds will not be reproved.
21 Mal ye é carë ya nanwa ná tulë i calanna, i nauva apantana i cardaryar nar cárinë Erussë.”                      But [he] who indeed does what is true comes to the light, [so] that [it] will be manifest that his deeds are done in God.”
23 Apa nati sinë Yésus ar hildoryar lender i Yúreä ménanna, ar tassë lemnes aseltë ar sumbanë.                   After these things Jesus and his disciples went to the Judean region, and there he remained with them and baptized.
24 Yoháno sumbanë mi Ainon, har Salimenna, pan engë úvë nenwa tassë, ar queni túler ar náner sumbanë,                      John was baptizing in Aenon, near to Salim, since [there] was an abundance of water there, and people came and were baptized,
25 an Yoháno en únë hátina mir mando.         for John still was not [= had not yet been] thrown into prison.
26 Tá engë costië imbi Yohanneo hildor as Yúra pa sovallë.            Then there was a quarrel between John’s disciples with a Jew concerning purification.
27 Ar túleltë Yohannenna ar quenter senna: “Ravi, i nér ye engë aselyë han Yordan, pa ye vettanel, yé! issë sumba ar illi ménar senna.”                               And they came to John and said to him: “Rabbi, the man who was with you beyond [the] Jordan, about whom you witnessed, look! he is baptizing and all are going to him.”
28 Yoháno hanquentë ar equë: “Atan ua polë camë erya nat qui ta ui antana sen menello.                   John answered and said: “A man cannot receive a single thing if it that is not given him from heaven.
29 Eldë indë vettar nin i quenten: Inyë ua i Hristo, mal nanyë mentana opo sé.                   You yourselves witness to me that I said: I am not the Christ, but I am sent in front of him.
30 Ye samë i indis i ender ná. Mal i endero meldo, írë taris hlarila se, samë túra alassë írë hlaris i endero óma. Sië sina alassenya quanta ná.                                  [He] who has the bride is the bridegroom. But the bridegroom’s friend, when he stands hearing him, has great joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. Thus this joy of mine is full.
31 Issë aláluva, mal inyë fifírúva.”         He will keep growing, but I will fade away.”
32 Ye tulë táriëllo eä or ilyë exi. Ye cemeno ná cemello ná, ar quetis pa i nati cemeno. Ye tulë menello eä or ilyë exi.                              [He] who comes from on high is over all others. [He] who is of earth is from earth, and he speaks of the things of earth. [He] who comes from heaven is over all others.
33 Ya ecéniës ar ahláriës, pa ta vettas, mal úquen camë vettiërya.               What he has seen and he has heard, about that he witnesses, but no one receives his witness.
34 Ye acámië vettiërya apánië lihtarya i voronwessë Eruo.          [He] who has received his witness has put his seal on the faithfulness of God.
35 An ye Eru mentanë quetë Eruo quetiër, an uas anta i Fairë lestanen.                For [he] whom God sent speaks God’s sayings, for he does not give the Spirit by measure.
36 I Atar melë i Yondo ar ánië ilyë nati máryanna.            The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.
37 Ye savë i Yondossë samë oira coivië; ye ua carë ve i Yondo quetë ua cenuva coivië, mal Eruo rúşë lemya sessë.       ;                  [He] who believes in the Son has eternal life; [he] who does not do as the Son says will not see life, but God’s wrath remains upon him.

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