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Part 7


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Aniëlmassë nóla ambo to i vata epë enta lúmë, ollelmë feunë:              When we crested a hill on the path an hour later, we were aghast:
2 anda pó elmë, talussë i ortosto, cennelmë lia usqueo amba oryaila, ve yaiwë umbartelman.                   far ahead of us, at the foot of the mountains, we saw a thin line of smoke rising up, mocking our fate.
3 “Uis túra ruivë, quistan i poluvalmë lelya os sa ar anya i al-aldar amboni”, equë ópa.                    It is not a big fire, I reckon we can go around and reach the treeless slopes, said one voice.
4 Hánonya rincë estirnë ar tóquentë: “Parca þánë ar suhtë urtauvar ve tusturë, ruivë pantauva alarca epë rocco norë”.                      My brother frowned and replied: "Dry pine and resin will burn like kindling, a fire will spread faster than a horse runs".
5 I rendo eccannë: “Onë manna lelyauvalvë?        The cousin exclaimed: "But where will we go?
6 I ruivë sí eä hyarmessë, númessë ar formessë os elvë, ta rómessë eär cuvoiti loxolli!                  The fire is now south, west and north around us, and to the east are treacherous moors!
7 Lá eä alima vata ter i mottor, mentië ná únat”.             There is no good path through the fenlands, passage is an impossibility."
9 Ap' úvië, ar cenila ilya astamo ombario, hánonya paninvë quentë:              After some pondering, and looking at each member of the group, my brother firmly said:
10 “Uilmë curwë naucor yer rottar tal rehtiën, uilmë latinë tuilindor yer amaviluva fanyannar, uilmë melehtë saironi yer mahtalenen turur urulócë.                        "We are not skilled dwarves who dig down to safety, we are not unburdened swallows who soar to the clouds, we are not mighty wizards who can battle and defeat a fire dragon.
11 Qui lemyeälvë hí, queletyauvalvë, potai sangiëo lelyauvalmë, ar tuvualvë véra men.                If we stay here we will perish, so we must head east, and find our own path.
12 Náquetanyë i lá ecë elven pata i mottossen huinessë, aimanen elven eär canta lúmi epë andúnë, ar sataryeän i tana nauva fáreä.                          I agree we cannot walk the fenlands in the dark, but we have four hours until sunset, and I trust that will be enough.
13 I anasirë orontello síreä vin rómessë silo, maurië langa hapyauva i ruivë cana vé.”                  The river tributary from the mountain runs just east of here, the need to cross it will delay the fire behind us."

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