This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Hostanelmë aþ-cólima mattali mastaþambello, ciltanelmes imyë astalin, ar estantelmë sinar ilquenen. | | We took easy to bring food from the kitchen, divided it into equal shares, and gave these evenly to all. |
2 | Sí nánë ap' endaurë, ar yá en-tirnelmë, i ruivë nemnë analelyaila palla umbelma. | | It was now past midday, and when we looked up, we were surprised to see how much closer than expected the fire seemed to have come. |
3 | I vista camyanë milya híþë usqueo, cityaila hendi ar nengwi, ar ecë elmen nécavë hlarë hyassë. | | The air had a thin haze of smoke, tickling eyes and noses, and we could faintly hear noises. |
4 | Lé telda naiceleä tirmë linyenwa mélamarelmanna, patunelmë formenna, i orontinnar. | | With a last agonizing look at our home of many years, we set off to the north, towards the mountains. |
5 | Sintelmë i eär enwinë felcoli er orontessë, ar sannelmë i tulumaitië tassë tuvualmë cauma. | | We knew there were old mines in one of the mountains, and thought that we could probably find shelter there. |
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7 | Ar' ombarilma vantaner i naicor. | | Aside from us, the goats came along. |
8 | I yondo hánonyo tulyanë i nyéni-tári rappanen, ar i hyanar hilyanë se, lé i naico-heru mettassë. | | My brother's son lead the queen goat with a rope, and the rest followed her, with the head buck at the end. |
9 | Óriëlmë i yondo, aiquen inteo hónorë, vá lóya i ombari roitiën. | | We had warned the son, that if any of them ran away, he was not to leave the group to chase them. |
10 | I rendo nurrunë pá míri carmaryar a-hehta ananta i naicor hánonyo lenna, mal hánonya rentanë issë i lungë carmar lá colir intë. | | The cousin complained that his precious tools were left behind while my brother's goats were coming, but my brother reminded him that heavy tools do not carry themselves. |
11 | Ta verressenya vanta-lírë lé i híni, ar rongo yanantelmë tanca patiëssë i formenna vatassë. | | Then my sister-in-law started a walking song with the children, and we soon settled into a steady pace on the path north. |
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13 | Ap' lúmë atta haunelmë meter serë, ar yulë nótima nén pihtaila nellello. | | After two hours we stopped to rest, and drink some water from a shrunken stream. |
14 | Hwinintelmë i nén as nicë miru i ocóliëlmë; eä eques i miru ná yacië nindarínen, yer tyaruvar muhtië hirdetyo laqui paitina yuhtiën neneltava. | ; | We mixed the water with some wine we carried; it is said the wine is an offering to the river spirits, who will cause your bowels to run if not appeased for your use of their water. |
15 | Lië nattirner i ruivenna, ar quen eccannë i únes nemba palan epë fai oloiëlmë. | | Some people gazed back toward the fire, and one remarked that it seemed no further behind than when we left. |
16 | Únelmë verya andavë hauta, ar ron nannelmë i vantiënna. | | We did not dare to stop for long, and soon resumed our trek. |
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