Some Quenya phrases to test your lingual dexterity!
Enamor elves, flummox friends, and baffle bystanders, by rattling these off flawlessly after a tankard of mead.
By Vyacheslav Stepanov, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:
Nai lerina mólëo lúmë yulmelyo meldonya!
(May the time of your drinking be free of work, my friend!)
By Almáriel (Spark-Eye), from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:
Quendi enquë quilini quessaminwen costar pá i quessi quacívë.
(Six Quendi adorned with velvet argue about the feathers of frogs.)
By Luinyelle, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:
Lá réralmë rá lirila larmo ralila rilya ciryallo.
Rá lirila larmo rilya ciryallo ralila lá réralmë.
We are not sowing on behalf of a singing scout returning from a glittering cleft.
On behalf of a singing scout returning from a glittering cleft we are not sowing.
By Chaered, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:
Ára áreä, ar areä ar' eär eä reä eärra.
(The dawn is splendid, and near beside the sea there is a single sea-lion.)
By Luinyelle, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:
Yá i fánë farnë ollë vára, i varnë farnë valanyë, an i fánë farnë vánë. Sí i fánë farnë varnë.
(When the white ash became dirty, the brown ash was excited, for the white ash vanished. Now the white ash is brown.)
By Lanto, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:
Sana sina Þinda serila sissë sa þámo sail' aþaro, i sestanë þiþina 'r sercisahta þitwa þarassessë þamnova þahtiën þossë, samnë þaurë sanwi.
(This Sinda resting here thinks that the wise doctor's helper, who set a scorched and blood-marred pan on the carpenter's stool to induce fear, had evil thoughts.)
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