Quenya Tongue-Twisters

Some Quenya phrases to test your lingual dexterity!

Enamor elves, flummox friends, and baffle bystanders, by rattling these off flawlessly after a tankard of mead.


By Vyacheslav Stepanov, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:

Nai lerina mólëo lúmë yulmelyo meldonya!
     
(May the time of your drinking be free of work, my friend!)

By Vyacheslav

Frog feathers?

By Almáriel (Spark-Eye), from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:

Quendi enquë quilini quessaminwen costar pá i quessi quacívë.
         
(Six Quendi adorned with velvet argue about the feathers of frogs.)

By Almariel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng


By Luinyelle, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:

Lá réralmë rá lirila larmo ralila rilya ciryallo. Rá lirila larmo rilya ciryallo ralila lá réralmë.
                 
We are not sowing on behalf of a singing scout returning from a glittering cleft. On behalf of a singing scout returning from a glittering cleft we are not sowing.

By Chaered
By Luinyelle
By espeak-ng


By Chaered, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:

Sea-lion on beach with pirate hat

Ára áreä, ar areä ar' eär eä reä eärra.
          
(The dawn is splendid, and near beside the sea there is a single sea-lion.)

By Chaered
By espeak-ng


By Luinyelle, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:

Yá i fánë farnë ollë vára, i varnë farnë valanyë, an i fánë farnë vánë. Sí i fánë farnë varnë.
                       
(When the white ash became dirty, the brown ash was excited, for the white ash vanished. Now the white ash is brown.)

By Chaered
By espeak-ng


By Lanto, from the Vinye Lambengolmor forum:

Sana sina Þinda serila sissë sa þámo sail' aþaro, i sestanë þiþina 'r sercisahta þitwa þarassessë þamnova þahtiën þossë, samnë þaurë sanwi.
                        
(This Sinda resting here thinks that the wise doctor's helper, who set a scorched and blood-marred pan on the carpenter's stool to induce fear, had evil thoughts.)

By Chaered
By espeak-ng

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