About Quettali

The program quettali, running here as version 0.26.1 on quettali.org, was written as a tool for studying Quenya. It began as, and still is, a personal hobby project, with no current or planned monetization, and available for general use by anyone.


Most discussion leading to this project and sustaining it has been on the Vinya Lambengolmor server on Discord, you can generally reach me there as user @chaered. Any news regarding the quettali project is usually posted under the Quettali thread under the #projects topic of SERVER.

Use policy

This server is made available for free at my own expense as a service to the community of Quenya enthusiasts. Please do not abuse this resource by running extensive crawlers or pentests on the site. The site is essentially a static content server, it contains no user data beyond the bare IPs and request URLs in the standard nginx logs; the data on the site is mostly FOSS code or Creative Commons text, and publicly available from multiple sources. In other words, nothing worth cracking here.


My sincere thanks go out to the contributors of materials on this site, to those who came up with helpful answers and suggestions to my many questions on the Vinye Lambengolmor channels, to the other sites I rely on so much like eldamo (and others, please see the Quenya Resources page), and of course to the late great J.R.R. Tolkien, without whom all this would not have existed in the first place.

—generated by quettali version 0.26.1