The birds have a feather,
where others a hair;
they fly up together
to greet the sky fair.
Audio recordings to accompany the text.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | i aiwin i QUESSE | | The birds have the feather |
2 | minomë findessë | | instead of head-of-hair |
3 | amaviluvantë | | they will fly up |
4 | menel suilantë | | the sky greets |
A translation into Dutch: (VEER)
De vogels hebben veren, daar waar and're dieren wellicht haar; het siert hun vleugels in de vlucht, hun wereld is de vrije lucht. |
The birds have feathers, there where other animals maybe [have] hair; it decorates their wings in flight, their world is the free air. |
A translation into German: (FEDER)
Die Vögel haben Feder hier Statt Haare, wie fast jedes Tier. Der Himmel lockt, und lädt sie ein; Sie fliegen auf um dort zu sein. |
The birds have feathers here instead of hairs, like almost every animal. The sky beckons, and invites them; they fly up to be there. |
Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ПЕРО)
Волосы на лицах - Это не для птицы. В перьях ввысь взмывают, Небо привечают. |
Facial hair - it's not for the bird. Soaring up with feathers, they greet the sky. |
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