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The birds have a feather,
where others a hair;
they fly up together
to greet the sky fair.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By Ellanto
By Leriendil
By Luinyelle
By Orondil, fast version
By Orondil, slow version
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 i aiwin i QUESSE     The birds have the feather
2 minomë findessë   instead of head-of-hair
3 amaviluvantë  they will fly up
4 menel suilantë   the sky greets


A translation into Dutch: (VEER)

   De vogels hebben veren, daar
waar and're dieren wellicht haar;
het siert hun vleugels in de vlucht,
hun wereld is de vrije lucht.
The birds have feathers, there
where other animals maybe [have] hair;
it decorates their wings in flight,
their world is the free air.

A translation into German: (FEDER)

   Die Vögel haben Feder hier
Statt Haare, wie fast jedes Tier.
Der Himmel lockt, und lädt sie ein;
Sie fliegen auf um dort zu sein.
The birds have feathers here
instead of hairs, like almost every animal.
The sky beckons, and invites them;
they fly up to be there.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ПЕРО)

   Волосы на лицах -
Это не для птицы.
В перьях ввысь взмывают,
Небо привечают.
Facial hair -
it's not for the bird.
Soaring up with feathers,
they greet the sky.

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