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Ranta 5

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Apa nati sinë engë aşar Yúraron, ar Yésus lendë amba Yerúsalemenna.              After these things there wsa a festival of [the] Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2 Yerúsalemessë eä ailin estaina Heveryassë Vetsáşa, arwa tarmatémar lempë.            In Jerusalem there is a pool called in Hebrew Bethsatha, having five columnades.
3 Mi tai rimbë cainë: hlaiwali, lacenítili, úlévimáli ar hessali, hopila quirië i nenwa.                   In them a multitude was lying: sick ones, blind ones, paralyzed ones and withered ones, waiting for a stirring of the water.
4 An lúlissen vala i Héruo ununtë mir i ailin, tyarila quirië i nenwa, ar aiquen ye lendë minya mir i ailin apa i tarastië i nenwa nánë nestana ilya nostaleo hlíveva ya sámes.                                     For from time to time an angel of the Lord came down into the pool, causing a stirring of the water, and anyone who went first into the pool after the disturbance of the water was healed from every kind of illness that he had.
5 Mal engë tassë nér sámiéla hlíverya löassen tolto nelequeän.           But [there] was a man there having had his illness for [locative] thirty-eight years.
6 Cenila nér sina caitala tassë, ar istala i nollo násë hlaiwa anda lúmessë, Yésus quentë senna: “Ma meril málë?”                       Seeing this man lie there, and knowing that already he was [Q: is ] ill for a long time, Jesus said to him: “Do you want good health?”
7 I hlaiwa nér hanquentë senna: “Heru, uan samë nér paniën ni i ailindë írë i nén tarcina ná, ar írë inyë túla, exë unta nó ni.”                                 The sick man answered him: “Lord, I do not have a man to put me in the pool when the water is disturbed, and when I am coming, another goes down before me.”
8 Yésus quentë senna: “Á orta, á mapa ama caimalya ar á vanta!”               Jesus said to him: “Rise, take up your bed and walk!”
9 Ar mí imya lú i nér camnë málë, ar ortanes caimarya ar yestanë vanta.                 And in the same moment the man received good health, and he lifted up his bed and began to walk.
10 Mal sana aurë nánë sendarë.       But that day was a day of rest.
11 Etta i Yúrar quenter i nestana nerenna: “Si sendarë ná; colië i caima ua lávina lyen.”           ;         Therefore the Jews said to the healed man: “This is a day of rest; carrying the bed is not allowed for you.”
12 Mal hanquentes téna: “Ye nin-antanë málë, issë quentë ninna: Á mapa amba caimalya ar á vanta.”                      But he answered them: “[The one] who gave me good health, he said to me: Take up your bed and walk.”
13 Quenteltë senna: “Man ná i nér ye quentë lyenna, Ása mapa amba ar á vanta – ?”                    They said to him: “Who is the man who said to you, Take it up and walk – ?”
14 Mal i nestana nér ua sintë man anes, an Yésus nánë méniënwa öa, pan engë şanga i nómessë.                      But the healed man did not know who he was, for Jesus had gone away, since [there] was a crowd in the place.
16 Apa nati sinë Yésus se-hirnë i cordassë ar quentë senna: “Cena, sí samil málë! Áva úcarë ambë, i lá martuva lyen ambë urra nat.”                              After these things Jesus found him in the temple and said to him: “See, now you have good health! Do not sin [any]more, [so] that something worse [ambe ulca, “more evil”] will not happen to you.”
17 I nér öantë ar nyarnë i Yúrain i nánë Yésus ye antanë sen málë.                The man went away and told the Jews that Jesus was [the] one who gave him good health.
18 Ar tanen i Yúrar roitaner Yésus, pan carnes nati sinë i sendaressë.               And therefore the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did these things in the day of rest.
19 Mal hanquentes téna: “Atarinya molë tenna sí, ar sië inyë móla.”                But he answered them: “My father works until now, and so I am working.”
20 Tanen i Yúrar merner en ambë nahta se, an lá rië rances i sendarë, mal yú estanes Eru véra atarya, carila insë ve Eru.                             For this reason the Jews wanted still more to kill him, for not only did he break the day of rest, but he also called God his own father, making himself like God.
21 Etta Yésus hanquentë ar equë téna: “Násië, násië quetin lenna, i Yondo ua polë carë erya nat insenen, mal rië ya cenis i Atar cára. An aiqua ya issë carë, ta i Yondo yú carë mí imya lé.                                              Therefore Jesus answered and said to them: “Truly, truly I say to you, the Son cannot do a single thing by himself, but only [that] which he sees the Father doing. For anything which he does, that the Son also does in the same manner.
22 An i Atar melë i Yondo ar tana sen ilqua ya issë carë, ar sen-tanuvas cardar túrë lá sinë, i tatalluvaldë.                         For the Father loves the Son and shows him everything that he does, and he shall show him deeds greater than these, [so] that you will marvel.
23 An tambë i Atar orta qualinar ar carë te coirië, sië yú i Yondo carë i meris coirië.                     For as the Father raises [the] dead and makes them alive, so also the Son makes those he wants alive.
24 An i Atar ua namë aiquen, mal ániës ilya namië i Yondon,               For the Father does not judge anyone, but has given all judgement to the Son,
25 in illi laituvar i Yondo ve laitaltë i Atar. Ye ua laita i Yondo ua laita i Atar ye mentanë se.                        that all will praise the Son as they praise the Father. [He] who does not praise the Son does not praise the Father who sent him.
26 Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ye hlarë quettanya ar savë yessë ni-mentanë samë oira coivië, ar uas tulë namiënna, mal alahtië ñurullo coiviënna.                            Truly, truly I say to you: [He] who hears my word and believes in [the one] who sent me has eternal life, and he does not come to judgement, but has passed from death to life.
28 Násië, násië quetin lenna: I lúmë túla, ar eäs sí, írë qualinar hlaruvar i Eruiono óma, ar i hlarir tuluvar coiviënna.                            Truly, truly I say to you: The hour is coming, and it is now, when [the] dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and [those] who hear shall come to life.
29 An tambë i Atar samë coivië insessë, sívë ániës i Yondon samië coivië insessë.                 For as the Father has life in [him]self, so he has given the Son to have life in [him]self.
30 Ar ániës sen hérë namiéva, pan Atanyondo násë.           For he has given him authority of judgement, because he is [the] Son of Man.
31 Áva tatalla si, pan i lúmë túla yassë illi i eär i noirissen hlaruvar ómarya                 Do not feel wonder about this, because the hour is coming when all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice
32 ar ettuluvar – i carner márë nati enortiëssë coiviënna, mal i carner şaurë nati enortiëssë namiéno.                   and will come out, [those] who did good things in a resurrection [enortie “re-raising”] to life, but [those] who did vile things in a resurrection of judgment.
33 Uan polë carë erya nat imninen; ve hlarin namin, ar námiënya faila ná, an uan cesta véra şelmanya, mal i şelma yeo mentanë ni.      ;                       I do not do a single thng by [my]self; as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just, for I do not seek my own will, but the will of [him] who sent me.
34 Qui inyë vetta pa insë, vettiënya ua nanwa.           If I bear witness about [my]self, my witness is not true.
35 Ea exë ye vetta pa ni, ar istan i vettiërya pa ni nanwa ná.                 There is another who bears witness about me, and I know that his witness about me is true.
36 Eldë mentaner ennoli Yohánonna, ar issë evettië pa i nanwië.             You sent some people to John, and he has witnessed about the truth.
37 Inyë ua camë atano vettië, mal quetin nati sinë i cé nauvaldë rehtanë.                I do not receive [any] man’s witness, but I say these things that maybe you will be saved.
38 Sana nér nánë uryala ar caltala calma, ar ter lúmë merneltë samë alassë calaryassë.                 That man was a burning and shining lamp, and for [ter, “through”] an hour you wanted to have joy in his light.
39 Mal inyë samë i vettië ya túra lá ta Yoháno ná, an i cardar yar ánië nin Atarinya telyáven – i cardar yar inyë cára – sanë cardar vettar pa ni in Atarinya mentanë ni.                                      But I have the witness that is greater than that of John, for the deeds [or, works] that the Father has given me to complete – the deeds that I am doing – those deeds bear witness about me that my Father sent me.
40 Entë, i Atar ye ni-mentanë, issë evettië pa ni. Ualdë ahlárië ómarya hya ecénië cantarya,                    Therefore, the Father who sent me, he has witnessed about me. You have not heard his voice or seen his shape,
41 ar ualdë samë quettarya lemyala lessë. An ye mentanes – sessë ualdë savë.                and you do not have my word remaining in you. For [the one] that he sent – in him you do not believe.
42 Ceşildë i tehteler, pan sanaldë i tainen samuvaldë oira coivië, ar tai nar yar vettar pa ní.                     You search the scriptures, because you think that by them you will have eternal life, and they are [the ones] that bear witness about me.
43 Ananta ualdë merë tulë ninna, i samuvaldë coivië.           And yet you do not want to come to me, so that you will have life.
44 Uan merë camë alcar atanillon,       I do not want to receive glory from men,
45 mal istan pa lé in ualdë samë melmë Eruva lessë.            but I know about you that you do not have love for God in you.
46 Inyë utúlië i essenen Atarinyo, mal ualdë camë ni. Qui exë tulë véra esseryanen, camuvaldë sé.                     I have come in my Father’s name, but you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him.
47 Manen polildë savë, írë camildë alcar quén i exello mal uar cesta i alcar ya tulë i erya Ainollo?                     How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another but do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?
48 Áva sana i carpuvan pa ongweldar epë i Atar. Ye carpa pa ongweldar Móses ná, yessë apániëldë estelelda.                      Do not think that I will speak about your crimes before the Father. [The one] who speaks about your crimes is Moses, in whom you have put your hope.
49 An au sáveldë Móseo quetië sáveldë ninya, an issë tencë pa ni.               For if you believed Moses’ saying you believed mine [as well], for he wrote about me.
50 Mal qui ualdë savë teciëryar, manen savuvaldë ninyë quetiër?”           But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe in my sayings?

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