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Ranta 12

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Sië Yésus, auri enquë nó i aşar, túlë Vetanianna, yassë engë Lásarus ye Yésus ortanë qualinallon.                     Thus Jesus, six days before the festival, came to Bethany, where was Lazarus whom Jesus raised from [the] dead.
2 Etta carneltë sen şinyemat, ar Marşa veuyanë, mal Lásarus engë imíca i cainer ara i sarno ósë.                     Therefore they made for him an evening meal, and Mary served, but Lazarus was among those who lay by the table with him.
3 Tá María nampë lungwë níşima millova – anwa, ammirwa alanarda – ar elpanë Yésuo talu ar parahtanë taluryat findileryanen. I ne i níşima millo quantë i cöa.                               Then Mary took a pound of fragrant oil – genuine, most precious nard – and anointed Jesus’ feet and dried his feet with her hair. The scent of the fragrant oil filled the house.
4 Mal Yúras Iscariot, quén mici hildoryar, ye vartumnë se, quentë:               But Judas Iscariot, one among his disciples, who was going to betray him, said:
5 “Manen níşima millo sina únë vácina lenári húmi nelden ar i tyelpë antana i únain?”                “How [is it that] this fragrant oil was not sold for three hundred denarii and the money given to the poor?”
6 Quentes si, lá pan i únar náner valdië sen, mal pan anes arpo: Samila i tyelpecolca nampes yar náner panyanë sassë.                          He said this, not because the poor were important to him, but because he was a thief: Having the moneybox he took [the coins] that were put in it.
7 Etta equë Yésus: “Áva hranga se! Lava sen hepitas i auren yassë nauvan talana sapsanyanna.                  Therefore Jesus said: “Do not hinder her! Let her keep it for the day when I shall be brought to my grave.
8 An i únar illumë samuvaldë mici le, mal ní ualdë illumë samë.”                For the poor you always have with you, but me you do not always have.”
9 Írë höa şanga Yúraiva hanyaner in eäs tassë, túleltë, lá rië Yésunen, mal yú ceniën Lásarus, ye ortanes qualinallon.                         When a huge crowd of Jews understood that he was [Q: is] there, they came, not solely because of Jesus, but also to see Lazarus, whom he raised from [the] dead.
10 Mal i hérë airimor carner panor nahtiën yú Lásarus,           But the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,
11 pan issenen rimbali Yúraron lender tanna ar sáver Yésussë.           since because of him many of [the] Jews went there and believed in Jesus.
12 I hilyala auressë, írë i höa şanga ya nánë túliënwa i aşarenna hlassë i Yésus túla Yerusalemenna,                    On the following day, when the huge crowd that had come to the festival heard that Jesus was coming [Q: is coming] to Jerusalem,
13 nampeltë olvali nindornion ar etemenner veliën se. Ar yámeltë: “Hosanna! Aistana ná ye tulë i Héruo essenen, i aran Israélo!”                        they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him. And they cried: “Hosanna! Blessed is [he] who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel!”
14 Mal híriéla nessa pellopë hamunes senna, ve técina ná:            But after finding a young ass he sat down on it, as is written:
15 “Áva rucë, Síoniël! Yé! Aranelya túla, hamila pellopeo onnassë.”              “Do not fear, daughter of Zion! Look! Your king is coming, sitting on the colt [onna, child/offspring] of an ass.”
16 I hildor uar hanyanë nati sinë i yestallo, mal írë Yésus nánë carna alcarinqua, tá enyaldeltë manen nati sinë náner técinë pa se ar i carneltë sië sen.                                The disciples did not understand these things from the beginning, but when Jesus was made glorious , then they recalled how these things were written about him and that they did so to him.
17 Sië vettaner i queni i enger ósë írë yaldes Lásarus et i noirillo ar se-ortanë qualinallon.                  Thus [they] witnessed, the people that were with him when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from [the] dead.
18 Sinen i şanga, pan hlasseltë i carnes tanwa sina, yú velder se.                Because of this the crowd, when they heard that he did this sign, also met him.
19 Etta i Farisar quenter mici intë: “Cenildë i polildë carë munta. Yé! I mar elendië cata se.”                      Therefore the Pharisees said among themselves: “You see that you can do nothing. Look! The world has gone behind him.”
21 Enger Hellenyali mici i lender ama tyeriën i aşaressë.           [There] were some Greeks [or, Hellenes] among [those] who went up to worship at the festival.
22 Etta túleltë Filipenna ye nánë Vestairallo Alileo, ar arcaneltë sello, quétala: “Hér, merilmë cenë Yésus.”                      Therefore they came to Philip who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and they asked of him, saying: “Sir, we want to see Jesus.”
23 Filip túlë ar nyarnë Andréan. Andréas ar Filip túler ar nyarner Yésun.               Philip came and told Andrew. Andrew and Philip came and told Jesus.
24 Mal Yésus hanquentë túna, quétala: “I lúmë utúlië yassë i Atanyondo nauva alcaryaina.                 But Jesus answered them, saying: “The hour has come when the Son of Man will be glorified.
25 Násië, násië quetin lenta: Qui orë erdeo ua lanta mir i talan ar qualë, lemyas i erya orë; mal qui qualis, tá colis olya yávë.                     ;          Truly, truly I say to you: If a grain of seed does not fall into the ground and dies, it remains the [/ that] single grain; but if it dies, then it bears much fruit.
26 Ye melë coiviërya nancarë sa, mal ye tevë coiviërya mar sinassë varyuva sa oira coiviën.                  [He] who loves his life will destroy it, but [he] who hates his life in this world will protect it for eternal life.
27 Qui aiquen merë veuya ni, lava sen hilya ni, ar yassë inyë eä, tassë yú núronya euva.                      If anyone wants to serve me, let him follow me, and where I am, there my servant will be also.
28 Sí feänya tarcina ná, ar mana quetuvan? Atar, áni rehta et lúmë sinallo! Mal casta sinan utúliën lúmë sinanna.                       Now my soul is troubled, and what am I to say? Father, save me from this hour! But for this reason I have come to this hour.
29 Atar, á alcarya esselya!” Etta óma túlë et menello: “Yúyo alcaryanenyes ar alcaryauvanyes ata!”                 Father, glorify your name!” Therefore a voice came out of heaven: “I both glorified it and I shall glorify it again!”
30 Etta i şanga ya tarnë tassë ar sa-hlassë quentë in anes hundië. Exeli quenter: “Vala acarpië senna.”                      Therefore the crowd that stood there and heard it said that it was thunder. Others said: “An angel has spoken to him.”
31 Yésus hanquentë ar equë: “Óma sina ua túlë ninya máriën, mal lenyan.                Jesus answered and said: “This voice did not come for my good, but for yours.
32 Sí mar sina námaina ná, sí i túr mar sino nauva hátina ettenna!               Now this world is being judged, now the ruler of this world will be thrown out!
33 Ar inyë, írë nauvan ortana et cemello, tucuva ilyë atani ninna.”                And I, when I shall be lifted up out of earth, will draw all men to me.”
34 Mal sá quentes taniën i nostalë qualmeo ya qualumnes.           But that he said to show the kind of death that he was going to die.
35 Etta i şanga hanquentë senna: “Ahláriëlmë i Şanyello i termarë i Hristo tennoio, ar manen lertal quetë i mauya i Atanyondon návë ortana? Man ná Atanyondo sina?”                              Therefore the crowd answered him: “We have heard from the Law that the Christ remains forever, and how may you say that [it] is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?”
36 Yésus etta quentë téna: “I cala euva mici le an şinta lúmessë. Á vanta írë samildë i cala, hya mornië turúva le, an ye vanta i morniëssë ua ista yassë lelyas.                                     Jesus therefore said to them: “The light will be among you for a short while more. Walk while you have the light, or darkness will conquer you, for [he] who walks in the dark does not know where he goes.
37 Írë samildë i cala, sava i calassë, i nauvaldë yondor calo.”                When you have the light, believe in the light, that you will be sons of light.”
39 Nati sinë Yésus quentë, ar öantes ar nurtanë insë tello.             These things Jesus said, and he went away and hid himself from them.
40 Mal ómu anes cáriéla ta rimbë tanwali opo te, ualtë sávë sessë,               But though he had done so many signs in front of them, they did not believe in him,
41 amaquatiën i quetta ya quentë Yesaia i Erutercáno: “Héru, man asávië ya ahláriëlmë? Ar i Héruo ranco, ana man anes apantana?”                         in order to fulfill the word that Isaiah the Prophet spoke: “Lord, who has believed what we have heard? And the arm of the Lord, to whom was it revealed?”
42 I cesta yanen ua encë tiën savë ná i ata Yesaia quentë:              The reason why [yanen “by which”] it was not possible for them to believe is that again Isaiah said:
43 “Acáriës hendultat laceníti ar endalta sarda, i ualtë cenë hendultanten ar hanya endaltanen ar querë intë, i nestumnenyet.”                       “I will make their eyes blind and their heart hard, that they do not see with their eyes and understand with their hearts and turn [Q: turn themselves], [so] that I would heal them.”
44 Yesaia quentë nati sinë pan cennes alcarerya ar carampë pa se.             Isaiah said these things because he saw his glory and spoke about him.
45 Ananta rimbali yú i turcoron sáver sessë, mal Farisainen ualtë etequentanë se, i lá nauvaneltë hehtanë i yomencöallo.                      And yet many also of the rulers believed in him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, that they that they were not going to be excluded from the synagogue.
46 An méleltë i alcar atanillon ambë lá i alcar Erullo.            For they loved the glory of [or “from”, -llon] men more than the glory of [/from] God.
47 Mal Yésus yámë ar equë: “Ye savë nissë ua savë nissë, mal yessë ni-mentanë,                  But Jesus cried [out] and said: “[He] who believes in me does not believe in me, but in [him] who sent me,
48 ar ye cenë ní cenë yú ye ni-mentanë.          and [he] who see me sees also [he] who sent me.
49 Utúliën ve cala mir i mar, in ilquen ye savë nissë ua lemyuva i morniëssë.                  I have come as a light into the world, and everyone who believes in me shall not remain in the darkness.
50 Mal qui aiquen hlarë quetiënyar ar ua cimë tai, inyë ua namë se, an túlen, lá namiën i mar, man rehtiën i mar.                             But if anyone hears my sayings and does not heed them, I do not judge him, for I came, not to judge the world, but to save the world.
51 Ye úcimë ní ar ua camë quetiënyar samë ya namë se. I quetta ya inyë equétië ná ya namuva se i métima auressë;                        ; [He] who disregards me and does not keep my sayings has [something] that judges him. The word that I have spoken is what shall judge him in the last day;
52 pan inyë ua equétië imninen, mal i Atar ye ni-mentanë, issë ániës nin canwa pa ya quetuvan ar carpuvan.                       since I have not spoken by myself, but the Father who sent me, he has given me command about what I will l say and I will speak.
53 Ar istan i canwarya oira coivië ná. Etta, i nati yar quetin – tambë i Atar equétië tai ninna, sië carpan.                          And I know that his command is eternal life. Therefore, the things that I speak – as the Father has spoken them to me, so I speak.

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