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Ranta 14

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 ”Áva lavë endaldan návë tarcina. Sava Erussë; sava yú nissë.        ;     “Do not let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.
2 I cöassë Atarinyava eär rimbë şambeli. Qui lá, nyarnen len, pan autan manwiën nómë len.                    In my Father’s house [there] are many rooms. If not, I told you [so], since I am going away to prepare a place for you.
3 Entë, qui autan ar manwa nómë len, entuluvan ar le-camuva inyenna, i yassë inyë eä yú eldë euvar.                       Furthermore, if I go away and prepare a place for you, I shall return and receive you to myself, that where I am you too will be.
4 Ar yanna autan istaldë i tië.”         And where I am going away you know the way.”
5 Equë senna Tomas: “Heru, ualmë ista yanna autal. Manen istalmë i tië?”                Thomas said to him: “Lord, we do not know where you are going away to. How do we know the way?”
6 Yésus quentë senna: “Inyë i tië ar i nanwië ar i coivië. Úquen tulë i Ataranna hequa ter ní.                       Jesus said to him: “I [am] the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
7 Au sintelden, sinteldë yú Atarinya. Lú sinallo istaldes ar ecéniëldes.”               If you knew me, you knew also my Father. From this moment you know him and you have seen him.”
8 Equë senna Filip: “Heru, ámen tana i Atar, ar ta farya men.”                  Philip said to him: “Lord, show us the Father, and that is enough [farya “suffices”] for us.”
9 Yésus quentë senna: “Ta andavë engiën aseldë, Filip, ananta ual ista ni? Ye ecénië ní ecénië i Atar. Manen ecë lyen quetë: Ámen tana i Atar – ?                                  Jesus said to him: “So long I have been with you [pl.], Philip, and yet you [sg.] do not know me? [He] who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you [sg.] say: Show us the Father – ?
10 Ma ual savë in inyë eä i Ataressë ar i Atar inyessë? I nati yar quetin lenna uan quetë et inyello, mal i Atar ye lemya nissë cára cardaryar.                                Do you [sg.] not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? The things that I have spoken to you [pl.] I have not spoken out of myself, but the Father who remains in me is doing his deeds.
11 Á savë in inyë eä i Ataressë ar i Atar inyessë; qui lá, á savë i cardainen ve taiti!           ;          Believe me that I am in the Fatehr and the Father in me; if not, believe because of the deeds as such!
12 Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ye savë nissë, issë caruva yú i cardar yar inyë carë; ar caruvas cardar túrë lá tai, pan inyë auta i Atarenna.                  ;              Truly, truly I say to you: [He] who believes in me, he will do also the deeds that I do; and he will do deeds greater than they [or, those], since I am going away to the Father.
13 Ar ilqua ya arcaldë essenyanen, ta caruvan, in i Atarn nauva alcaryana i Yondonen.                  And everything that you pray for in my name, that I will do, [so] that] the Father will be glorified by means of the Son.
14 Qui arcaldë nat essenyanen, caruvanyes.        If you pray for [any]thing in my name, I will do it.
15 Qui melilden, himyuvaldë axaninyar,       If you love me, you will remain in my commandments,
16 ar inyë arcuva i Atarello, ar antauvas len hyana şámo ya euva aseldë tennoio,                 and I will ask of the Father, and he will give you another helper that will be with you forever,
17 i Fairë nanwiéva, ya i mar ua polë camë, pan loitas cenë sa ar ista sa véla. Eldë istar sa, pan lemyas aseldë ar eä lessë.                                the Spirit of truth, that the world cannot receive, since it fails to see it and know it alike. You know it, since it remains in you and is in you.
18 Uan hehtuva le nostarencë. Túlan lenna.         I do not leave you orphaned. I am coming to you.
19 Apa an şinta lúmë i mar ua cenuva ni ambë, mal eldë cenuvar ni, pan nanyë coireä ar eldë nauvar coirië.                         After a little while more the world will not see me [any]more, but you will see me, since I am alive and you shall be alive.
20 Enta auressë istuvaldë in inyë eä Atarinyassë ar eldë nissë ar inyë lessë.               On that day you will know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you.
21 Ye samë axaninyar ar himya tai, issë ná ye melë ni. Entë, ye melë ní nauva mélaina lo Atarinya, ar inyë meluva se ar apantuva imnë sen.”                                  [He] who has my commandments and abides by them, he is [the one] who loves me. Furthermore, [he] who loves me shall be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal [my]self to him.”
23 Yúras, lá Iscáriot, quentë senna: “Heru, mana amartië, pan apantuval imlë men ar lá i marden?”                      Judas, not Iscariot, said to him: “Lord, what has happened, since you will reveal [your]self to us and not to the world?”
24 Yésus hanquentë ar equë: “Qui aiquen melë ni, himyuvas quettanya, ar Atarinya meluva se, ar tuluvammë senna ar maruvat ósë.                          Jesus answered him and said: “If anyone loves me, he will abide by my word, and my Father will love him, and we [dual] will come to him and will dwell with him.
25 Ye ua melë ni ua himya quettanyar, ar i quetta ya hláral ua ninya, mal i Ataro ye ni-mentanë.                       [He] who does not love me does not abide by my words, and the word that you are hearing is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me.
26 Írë lemyan aseldë equétiën nati sinë len.         While I remain with you I have spoken these things to you.
27 Mal i şámo, i Airë Feä, ye i Atar mentauva essenyanen, issë peäntauva le pa ilyë nati ar tyaruva le enyalë ilqua ya nyarnen len.                              But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father shall send in my name, he will teach you all things and will make you remember everything that I told you.
28 Rainë tyarin lemya aseldë, rainenya antan len. Uan anta sa ve i mar anta. Áva lavë endaldan návë tarcina hya ruhtana!                         Peace I let remain with you, my peace I give you. I do not give it as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled or frightened!
29 Hlasseldë i quenten lenna in autan ar nanwenuva lenna. Au mélelden, sámeldë alassë meniënyanen i Atarenna, pan i Atar ná túra lá ni.                            You heard that I said to you that I am going away and I will return to you. If you loved me, you had joy because of my going to the Father, since the Father is greater than I.
30 Ar sí anyáriën len nó martas, in, írë é martas, savuvaldë.                And now I have told you before it happens, that, when it does happen, you will believe.
31 Uan carpuva olë aseldë ho sí, an i mardo turco túla. Ar uas samë túrë or ni,                     I will not talk much with you from now [on], for the ruler of the world is coming. And he does not have power over me,
32 mal in istuva i mar i melin i Atar, etta cáran ve i canwa ya i Atar ánië nin. Á orta, alvë lelya silo!”                            but that the world will know that I love the Father, therefore I am doing according to the command that the Father has given me. Rise, let us go from here!”

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