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Ranta 17

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Yésus quentë nati sinë, ar ortala henduryat menelenna eques: “Atar, i lúmë utúlië; á tala alcar Yondotyan, i Yondotya taluva alcar tyén,                ;            Jesus said these things, and raising his eyes to heaven he said: “Father, the hour has come; bring glory to your Son, that your Son will bring glory to you,
2 pan ániëtyë sen hérë or ilya hrávë, i antauvas oira coivië illin i ániëtyë sen.                  since you have given him lordship over all flesh, that he will give eternal life to all that you have given him.
3 Si oira coivië ná, in istaltë tyé, i erya nanwa Aino, ar ye mentanetyë, Yésus Hristo.                      This is eternal life, that they know you, the sole true God, and [the one] whom you sent, Jesus Christ.
4 Tyen atáliën alcar cemendë, telyala i molië ya ániëtyë nin cariën.              I have brought you glory on earth, completing the work that you have given me to do.
5 Ar sí, Atar, áni carë alarinqua ara tyé i alcarnen ya sámen ara tyé nó i mar engë!                     And now, Father, make me glorious beside you with the glory that I had beside you before the world existed!
6 Ápantiën essetya i atanin i antanetyë nin et i mardello. Aneltë vératyar, ar antanetyet inyen, ar ihímiëltë quettatya.                       I have revealed your name to the men that you gave me out of the world. They were your own, and you gave them to me, and they have abided by your word.
7 Sí istaltë in ilyë nati yar antanetyë nin nar tyello,            Now they know that all things that you gave me are from you,
8 an i quetiër yar antanetyë nin ániën tiën, ar acámiëltet ar é istaltë i tyé mentanë ni.                    for the sayings that you gave me I have given to them, and they have received them and indeed they know that you sent me.
9 Arcan pa te. Uan arca pa i mar, mal pa i ániëtyë nin, pan naltë vératyar,                     I make petition concerning them. I do not make petition concerning the world, but about [the ones] that you have given me, since they are yours,
10 ar ilyë natinyar nar vératyar ar vératyar nar ninyë, ar anaiën carna alcarinqua mici te.                  and all my things are your own and your own ones are mine, and I have been made glorious among them.
11 Entë, uan eä ambë i mardessë, mal té eär i mardessë, ar inyë túla tyenna. Airë Atar, átë varya véra essetyan ya ániëtyë nin, i nauvaltë er, ve vet.                                      Furthermore, I am not [any]more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them for [the sake of] your own name that you have given me, that they will be one, like us.
12 Írë engen aseltë varyanenyet véra essetyan, ar ehépiënyet, ar úner mici te nancarna ná hequa ye nancaruvaina né, amaquatiën i tehtelë.                          When I was with them I protected them for [the sake of] your own name, and I have kept them, and no man among them is destroyed except [he] who was going to be destroyed, to fulfill the scripture.
13 Mal sí túlan tyenna, ar quetin nati sinë i mardessë i samuvaltë quanta alassenya intessë.                  But now I am coming to you, and I say these things in the world that they will have full joy in themselves.
14 Ániën quettatya tiën, mal i mar etévië te, pan ualtë ranta i mardo, ve inyë ua ranta i mardo.                        I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, since they are not a part of the world, as I am not a part of the world.
16 Arcan tyello, lá i mapatyet et i mardello, mal i varyatyet ulcullo.                I ask [pray, petition] of you, not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from evil.
17 Ualtë ranta i mardo, ve inyë ua ranta i mardo.             They are not a part of the world, as I am not a part of the world.
18 Átë airita i nanwiénen; quettatya nanwië ná.    ;     Sanctify them with truth; your word is truth.
19 Ve mentanetyë ní mir i mar, yú inyë mentanë té mir i mar.                As you sent me into the world, I too sent them into the world.
20 Ar airitan imnë tiën, i nauvaltë airintë i nanwiénen.            And I sanctify myself for them, that they will be sanctified with the truth.
21 Arcan, lá pa té erinquë, mal yú pa i savir nissë quettaltanen,                I pray, not concerning them alone, but also concerning those who believe in me by their word,
22 i nauvaltë illi er, sívë tyé, Atar, eä nissë ar inyë tyessë, i yú té euvar vetsë, in i mar savuva i tyé mentanë ni.                                that they will all be one, as you, Father, is in me and I in you, that also they will be in us [vetse, dual locative], [so] that the world will believe that you sent me.
23 Entë, i alcar ya ániëtyë nin ániën tiën, i nauvaltë er, sívë vét er nát,                    Therefore, the glory that you have given me I have given them, that they will be one, as we are [vet nát, dual] one,
24 ní tessë ar tyé nissë, i nauvaltë cárinë ilvanë mir er, in i mar istuva i tyé mentanë ni ar i méletyet, ve méletyë ní.                              I in them and you in me, that they will be made perfect into one, that the world will know that you sent me and that you loved them, as you loved me.
25 Atar, merin i yassë inyë eä, yú i ániëtyë nin euvar asinyë, i cenuvaltë alcarinya ya ániëtyë nin, pan méletyë ni nó i mar tulcana né.                                Father, I wish that where I am, also [the ones] that you have given me will be with me, that they will see my glory that you have given me, because you loved be before the world was established.
26 Faila Atar, i mar ua ista tye, mal inyë ista tye, ar queni sinë istar i tyé mentanë ni.                        Just Father, the world does not know you, but I know you, and these people know that you sent me.
27 Ar acáriën essetya sinwa tiën ar caruvanyes sinwa ata, in euva tessë i melmë yanen méletyë ní, ar inyë tessë.                        And I have made your name known to them and I will make it known again, [so] that the love with which you loved me will be in them, and I in them.

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