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Tengwa ABC


Feanor's craft
on paper draft
with lines and curves
our words preserves.

This ABC is original text by Chaered (and others where noted), first posted on the Vinye Lambengolmor forum on Discord.

For every tengwa, it has a picture and 4-line Quenya poem. The poem should have a meter, and follow a final rhyme schema (AABB preferred). The text includes the name of the tengwa. The picture contains: the shape of the tengwa itself, the thing or concept used as the traditional name for that tengwa, and something that reflects the poem's text. There is a literal line-by-line English translation of the Quenya text, and a 4-line English poem that is a (possibly very loose) translation of the Quenya one. Optionally, there will be voice recordings of the Quenya poems, and translations into other languages.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By Ellanto
By Leriendil
By Luinyelle
By Orondil, fast version
By Orondil, slow version
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 curwë Feänáro   The craft of Feanor
2 hyalinenna móro   ink onto paper
3 telqui, lúvar, tehtar      stems, bows, marks
4 quetië san rehtar    thus they save/preserve words



Status: All poems have a picture and have been reviewed, except for the two nuquerna tengwar. The text version (no pictures) is also included the Eldamo translation archive, under a CC-BY-SA license. We're still adding more voice recordings and alternative translations.

There is a separate version of the Tengwa ABC that was printed as a small run (non-commercial) B-format book; see the /book/abc-book.pdf and /book/abc-cover.pdf downloadable PDF files for that. For errata in the printed version, see the /book/abc-errs.pdf page.

Picture contributed by Ránatar/Maivandion on VL, who also provided a translation into Russian:

   Феанорово письмо
На бумаге не немо.
В точках, линиях и дугах
Есть, что нам сказать друг другу.
Feanor's writing
is not mute on paper.
In points, lines and arcs
we have something to say to each other.

A translation into Dutch:

   De kunst van Feanor:
Ons woord gaat niet teloor
geschreven op papier,
met krul, lijn, punt en sier.
The craft of Feanor:
Our word will not perish
written on paper,
with curl, line, dot and flourish.

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