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A sturdy metal will endure:
On hooves, it keeps the footing sure;
for cooks, sharp blades trump all the rest.
When smiths forge tools, they are the best.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By Ellanto
By Leriendil
By Luinyelle
By Orondil, fast version
By Orondil, slow version
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 i-anturca TINCO vorta    The very hard metal preserves;
2 pattalessë saipo norta    on the hoof, a boot rides;
3 maxar-massë maica mahta    in the hand of a cook, a blade wields;
4 tamo maca, ilya lahta      a smith forges, each excels


A translation into Dutch: (METAAL)

   Als hard metaal behoedt
ijzer de paardevoet,
en geeft de kok een mes; te-
recht: smeedwaar is 't beste.
As a hard metal
Iron protects the horse foot [hoof],
And gives the cook a knife;
Justifiably, forged metal items are the best.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (МЕТАЛЛ)

   Металл все вещи бережёт:
С подковой лошадь не падёт,
С ножом еду сготовит повар,
Без кузнеца как без основы.
Metal protects all things:
A horse will not fall with a horseshoe;
with a knife, the cook will cook food;
without a blacksmith, as without a foundation.

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