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This helmet-hole lays bare
the brigand's head of hair.
Perhaps its latest trim
was by an axe's rim?


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 i UNQUE castolossë    The cavity in the helmet
2 apanta find' arpossë    reveals the hair on the thief;
3 yas hyaldava i címa     where, of an axe, the blade-edge
4 tar mittanë i síma     entered thither into the mind.


A translation into German: (LOCH)

   Das Loch im Helm
von diesem Schelm
zeigt 'ne Frisur
der Streitaxt pur.
The hole in the helmet
of this brigand
shows a hair-do
purely by battle-ax.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ВПАДИНА)

   Через впадину на шлеме
Видно волосы у вора;
Там, где лезвием так метко
В мозг его вошёл топор.
Through the hollow on the helmet
you can see the thief's hair;
where with blade so accurate
an ax entered his brain.

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