From the western sea,
waves forever more
roll in, come to see
and greet the sandy shore.
Audio recordings to accompany the text.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | NÚMEN-eäreno | | Of the west-sea |
2 | falmali en-oio | | some waves ever and again |
3 | i litsenna sesta | | onto the sand put |
4 | intë, suilar hresta | | themselves, greet [the] shore. |
Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian:
Волны западного моря Вновь и вновь, не зная горя, Преклоняясь непорочно, Привечают брег песочный |
(Waves of the western sea again and again, not knowing grief bowing undefiled greet the sandy shore. |
—generated by quettali version 0.28.33