From Cuiviénen came the elves,
who Quendi count among themselves,
to travel past the eastern sea,
walk west, where Valinor might be.
Audio recordings to accompany the text.
No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Cuiviénenello eldar | | From Cuiviénen, elves |
2 | Quendion i vanimeldar | | beautiful ones from (among the) Quendi |
3 | haila RÓMEN-eär lelyar | | travel beyond the east-sea |
4 | Valinorenna estelyar | | hoping towards Valinor |
Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian:
От Вод Пробуждения эльдар ушли, Из квэнди прекраснее всех у земли. Они сторонятся восточных морей, Их Валинор манит - надежда всех дней. |
From the Waters of Awakening the Eldar departed, of the Quendi the most beautiful of all on earth. They shun the eastern seas Valinor beckons them - the hope of all days. |
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