Text index



From Cuiviénen came the elves,
who Quendi count among themselves,
to travel past the eastern sea,
walk west, where Valinor might be.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Cuiviénenello eldar   From Cuiviénen, elves
2 Quendion i vanimeldar    beautiful ones from (among the) Quendi
3 haila RÓMEN-eär lelyar    travel beyond the east-sea
4 Valinorenna estelyar   hoping towards Valinor


Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian:

   От Вод Пробуждения эльдар ушли,
Из квэнди прекраснее всех у земли.
Они сторонятся восточных морей,
Их Валинор манит - надежда всех дней.
From the Waters of Awakening the Eldar departed,
of the Quendi the most beautiful of all on earth.
They shun the eastern seas
Valinor beckons them - the hope of all days.

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