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From atop this soaring tree
looking out what do you see?
Far beyond the canopy
of green, all and infinity.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 HALLA ald' alalla    A tall tree keeps growing.
2 aldingallo palla   From the tree-top, far beyond
3 taurë ecë tuvë    (the) forest, one can see
4 imbaro ilúvë   the whole of the world.


A translation into Esperanto: (ALTA)

   La arbego kreskas plu,
Do de supre miru ĉu
ĉien povas vidi vi:
tutan mondon, au eĉ pli?
The huge tree grows further,
so from above see whether
you can look [to] everywhere:
the whole world, or even more?

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ВЫСОКИЙ)

   Дерево чрез годы всё растёт-растёт.
Крона его мощная до неба достаёт.
Лес с неё не разглядеть, очень высоко.
Шар земной как на ладони виден далеко.
The tree keeps growing over the years.
Its mighty crown reaches the sky.
You can’t see the forest from it, it’s very high.
The globe of the earth is clearly visible far away.

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