Text index

Part 3


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 I lairë tullë, ar horina fanyar lerencer telumello, öar olanwa anar náriéo.                The summer came, and the driven clouds fled the sky, away from the full sun of June.
2 Aureä endaurë, hánonya nanwennë mar séren.         One brightly-lit noon, my brother returned home for a break.
3 Sulpaila yulda neno i tampollo, equë: “Siarë anar sisíla úrin, ve urulócë néfa elvenna i restassen!”                    Gulping down a draught of water from the well, he said: "Today the sun is shining red-hot, like a fire-dragon is breathing down on us in the fields."
4 Telwavë enyaluvan quetiërya.     Later, I would recall his words.
6 Cermiéno pimpessë, i amparca taureo olassë engwavë nimpa, i soica salquenor veältanë vanya-loxa farma, ar lina yaustar oller hessë i restassen.                          At the tail end of July, the foliage of the bone-dry forest was drooping sickly, the thirsty grassland resembled a blond-brown carpet, and many crops turned withered in the fields.
7 I laireo anar nincë linqui nelleli cintë celetannar.          The summer sun reduced flowing brooks to small trickles.
8 Rië min sírë sartavë sirinyë; sa celunë ailillillon i orontissen.     ;       Only one river kept flowing steadily; it sprang from some lakes high up in the mountains.
9 Ilya exa nencelu fifirunë yávelóra úvanë loxonna.         Every other water source turned into ugly barren mud.
10 Tauressë, castori avartaner fai oloinë mardintar, ar i lindë aiwion rísimandë hlussë.                In the forest, beavers abandoned their once-submerged dwellings, and the song of birds was a scattered whisper.

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