No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | I yestassë engë i Quetta, ar i Quetta engë as Eru, ar i Quetta né Eru. | | In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. |
2 | Issë engë i yestassë as Eru. | | He was in the beginning with God. |
3 | Ilqua nánë ontana sénen, ar hequa sénen erya nat únë ontana. Ya nánë ontana | | Everything was created by means of him, and except by him not a single thing was created. [That] which was created |
4 | sénen coivië né, ar i coivië nánë Atanion cala. | | by him was life, and the life was the light of men. |
5 | Ar i cala calta i morniëssë, mal i mornië ua utúruyë sa. | | And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not conquered it. |
6 | Orontë nér mentana lo Eru; esserya nánë Yoháno. | ; | [There] arose a man sent by God; his name was John [or, Johannes]. |
7 | Issë túlë vettiën, i vettuvas pa i cala, in ilyë atani savuvar sénen. | | He came for a witness, that he was to [Q: will] witness about the light, that all men were going to [Q: will] believe by means of him. |
8 | Lá anes cala sina, mal vettumnes pa cala sina. | | He was not this light, but he was to witness about this light. |
9 | I nanwa cala, caltala ilyë atanin, túlanë mir i mar. | | The true light, shining for all men, was coming into the world. |
10 | Enges i mardessë, ar i mar nánë ontana sénen, mal i mar ua sintë se. | | He was in the world, and the world was created by him, but the world did not know him. |
11 | Túles i véranna, mal véraryar uar camnë se. | | He came to his own, but his own did not receive him. |
12 | Mal illi i é se-camner, tiën antanes hérë náven hínar Eruo, an sámeltë savië esseryassë; | ; | But all who did receive him, to them he gave authority to be children of God, for they had faith in his name; |
13 | ar aneltë nónë, lá sercenen hya hrávenen hya nero şelmanen, mal Erunen. | | and they were born, not by blood or by flesh or by man’s will, but by God. |
14 | Ar i Quetta ollë hrávë ar marnë imíca me, ar cennelmë alcarerya, taitë alcar ya ernóna yondo samë ataryallo, ar anes quanta Erulisseo ar nanwiéno. | | And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, such glory as an only-born son has from his father; and he was full of grace and truth. |
15 | Yoháno vettanë pa se, é etyámes: “Nér sina ná i quén pa ye quenten: Ye túlë cata ni eä sí opo ni, pan enges nó ni.” | | John witnessed about him; indeed he cried out: “This man is the one of whom I said: [He] who comes behind me is now in front of me, since he existed before me.” |
16 | An camnelmë illi et quantiëryallo, lissë or lissë. | | For we all received out of his fullness, grace over grace. |
17 | An i Şanyë nánë antana ter Móses, mal i lissë ar i nanwië túler ter Yésus Hristo. | | For the Law was given through Moses, but the grace and the truth came through Jesus Christ. |
18 | Eru úquen oi ecénië; i ernóna Yondo ye eä i Ataro súmassë acárië se sinwa. | ; | God nobody has ever seen; the only-born Son who is in the Father’s bosom has made him known. |
19 | |||
20 | Si Yoháno vettië ná írë i Yúrar mentaner airimóli ar Levindeli Yerúsalemello maquetiën senna: “Man nalyë?” | | This is the witness of John when the Jews sent some priests and Levites from Jerusalem to inquire of him: “Who are you?” |
21 | Ar carampes pantavë ar ua lalanë, mal quentë pantavë: “Uan i Hristo.” | | And he spoke openly and did not deny [it], but said openly: “I am not the Christ.” |
22 | Ar maquenteltë senna: “Tá mana? Ma nalyë Elía?” Ar eques: “Uan.” “Ma nalyë i Erutercáno?” Ar hanquentes: “Lá!” | | And they asked him: “Then what? Are you Elijah?” And he said: “I am not.” “Are you the Prophet?” And he answered: “No!” |
23 | Etta quenteltë senna: “Man nalyë? Lava men samë hanquenta in mentaner me. Mana quetil pa imlë?” | | Therefore they said to him: “Who are you? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” |
24 | Eques: “Nanyë óma yamila i ravandassë: Cara i Héruo mallë téra! – tambë Yesaia i Erutercáno quentë.” | | He said: “I am a voice crying in the desert: Make the Lord’s way straight! – as Isaiah the Prophet said.” |
25 | I mentanar náner i Farisaron. | | The ones sent [forth] were of the Pharisees. |
26 | Ar maquenteltë ar quenter senna: “Tá mana i casta yanen sumbal, qui ual i Hristo hya Elía hya i Erutercáno?” | | And they asked and said to him: “Then what is the reason that [yanen, “by which”] you baptize, if you are not the Christ or Elijah or the Prophet?” |
27 | Yoháno hanquentë ar equë: “Inyë sumba nennen; endeldassë quén tára ye eldë uar ista, | ; | John answered and said: “I baptize with water; in your midst one is standing whom you do not know, |
28 | ye túla cata ni, mal inyë ua valda lehtiën i latta hyapatyo.” | | [the one] who comes after me, but I am not worthy to loosen the strap of his shoe." |
29 | Nati sinë martaner Vetaniassë Yordan pella, yassë Yoháno sumbanë. | | These things happened in Bethany [Betania] beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing. |
30 | I hilyala auressë cennes Yésus túla senna, ar eques: “Ela Eruo Eulë ye mapa öa i mardo úcarë! | | On the following day he saw Jesus come to him, and he said: “Behold God’s Lamb who takes away the world’s sin! |
31 | Issë ná i quén pa ye quenten: Yé! Túla nér ye sí opo ni eä, an nó ni enges. | | He is the one of whom I said: Look! A man is coming who is now in front of me, for before me he existed. |
32 | Inyë ua sintë se, mal túlen sumbala nennen in issë nauva apantana Israélen.” | | I did not know him, but I came baptizing with water [so] that he was to be revealed to Israel.” |
33 | Yoháno yú vettanë, quetila: “Cennen i Fairë túla undu et menello ve cucua, ar lemnes to sé. | | John also witnessed, saying: “I saw the Spirit come down out of heaven as a dove, and it remained on him. |
34 | Ar inyë ua sintë se, mal ye ni-mentanë sumbiën nennen quentë ninna: I quén yenna cenuval i Fairë túla undu ve cucua, issë ná ye sumba Airë Feänen. | | And I did not know him, but [he] who sent me to baptize with water said to me: The one to whom you shall see the Spirit come down as a dove, he is [the one] who baptizes with Holy Spirit. |
35 | Ar inyë ecénië sa, ar evettiën in issë i Eruion ná.” | | And I have seen it, and I have witnessed that he is the Son of God.” |
36 | |||
37 | I hilyala auressë Yoháno ata tarnë as atta hildoryaron, | | On the following day John again stood [forth] with two of his disciples, |
38 | ar cenila Yésus vantala eques: “Ela Eruo Eulë!” | | and seeing Jesus walking he said: “Behold God’s Lamb!” |
39 | Ar i hildo atta hlasset se quéta, ar hilyanettë Yésus. | | And the two disciples heard him speak, and they [-tte, dual] followed Jesus. |
40 | Mal Yésus quernexë ar cennë tú hilyala, ar quentes túna: “Mana cestastë?” Tú quentet senna: “Ravi” – ya teä Peäntar – “massë máral?” | | But Jesus turned [Q: turned himself] and saw them [tú, dual] follow, and he said to them: “What do you [-ste, dual] seek?” They said to him: “Rabbi” – which means teacher – “where are you staying?” |
41 | Eques túna: “Tula ar cena!” Etta túlettë ar cennet i nómë yassë marnes, ar lemnettë ósë aurë yanassë. Nánë os i quaineä lúmë. | | He said to them: “Come and see!” Therefore they came and saw the place where he stayed, and they remained with him on that day. [It] was around the tenth hour. |
42 | Andréas, hánorya Símon Péter, nánë quén i hildo atto yet hlasset ya Yoháno quentë ar hilyanet Yésus. | | Andrew [Andreas], the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two disciples who [yet, dual] heard [that] which John said and followed Jesus. |
43 | Issë hirnë minyavë véra hánorya, Símon, ar equë senna: “Ihíriëmmë Messías” – ya teä Hristo. | | He found first his own brother, Simon, and said to him: “We [-mme, dual] have found [the] Messiah!” – which means Christ. |
44 | Se-tulyanes Yésunna. Írë Yésus se-cennë eques: “Elyë Símon yondorya Yoháno ná. Elyë nauva estaina Céfas” – ya teä Péter (Ondo). | | He led him to Jesus. When Jesus saw him he said: “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” – which means Peter [= Rock]. |
45 | I hilyala auressë mernes menë Alileänna. Yésus hirnë Filip ar quentë senna: “Áni hilya!” | | On the following day he wanted to go to Galilee [Galilea]. Jesus found Philip and said to him: “Follow me!” |
46 | Filip nánë Vetsairallo, Andreäs ar Pétero osto. | | Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. |
47 | Filip hirnë Natanael ar quentë senna: “Ihíriëlmë i quén pa ye Móses i Şanyessë ar i Erutercánor tencer: Yésus Yosefion Nasaretello.” | | Philip found Nathanael and said to him: “We have found the one of whom Moses in the Law and the Prophets wrote: Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth.” |
48 | Mal equë senna Natanael: “Ma mára nat polë tulë Nasaretello?” | | But Nathanael said to him: “Can a good thing come from Nazareth?” |
49 | Yésus cennë Natanael túla senna ar quentë pa se: “Ela nanwa Israelindë, yessë lá eä vartië!” | | Jesus saw Nathanael come to him and said of him: “Behold a true Israelite, in whom there is no deceit [vartie, betrayal]!” |
50 | Equë senna Natanael: “Manen elyë ista ní?” Yésus hanquentë ar equë: “Nó Filip yaldë lye, írë engel nu i relyávalda, lye-cennen.” | | Nathanael said to him: “How do you know me?” Jesus answered and said: “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.” |
51 | Natanael hanquentë senna: “Ravi, elyë ná i Eruion, elyë ná i Aran Israélo!” | | Nathanael answered him: “Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are the King of Israel!” |
52 | Yésus hanquentë ar equë: “Pan anyáriën lyen i cennen lye nu i relyávalda savil? Cenuval nati túrë lá ta.” | | Jesus answered and said: “Since I told you that I saw you under the fig tree you believe? You will see some things greater than that.” |
53 | Ar eques téna: “Násië, násië quetin lenna: Cenuvaldë menel latyana ar Eruo valar ména ama ar undu i Atanyondossë.” | | And he said to them: “Truly, truly I say to you: You will see heaven opened and God’s angels go up and down on the Son of Man.” |
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