No. | Quenya | Tengwar | Means |
1 | Írë lahtanes, cennes nér lacenítë i mónallo. | | When he passed by, he saw a man blind from the womb. |
2 | Ar hildoryar maquenter senna: “Ravi, man úacárië, nér sina hya nostaruryat, pan anes nóna lacenítë?” | | And his disciples inquired of him: “Rabbi, who has sinned, this man or his parents, since he was born blind?” |
3 | Yésus hanquentë: “Nér sina ua úcarnë, hya nostaruryat, mal si martanë in Eruo cardar nauvaner apantanë issenen. | | Jesus answered: “This man did not sin, or his parents, but this happened [so] that God’s deeds were to be revealed by means of him. |
4 | Mauya ven carë i molië yeo ni-mentanë írë eä aurë; i lómë túla yassë úquen polë molë. | ; | [It] is necessary for us to do the work of [him] who sent me while [it] is day; the night is coming when nobody can work. |
5 | Írë eän i mardessë, nanyë i mardo cala.” | | While I am in the world, I am the world’s light.” |
6 | Quétéla nati sinë, piutanes i talamenna ar carnë luxo i piutanen, ar panyanes i luxo to i nero hendu | | After he said these things, he spat on the ground and made a mud with the spit, and he put the mud upon the man’s eyes |
7 | ar equë senna: “Mena, sova imlë i ailindë estaina Silöam” – ya teä Mentana. Ar sië öantes ar sóvë insë, ar nanwennes cenila. | | and said to him: “Go, wash [your]self in the pool called Siloam” – which means Sent. And so he went away and washed himself, and he returned seeing. |
8 | Etta i armaror ar i yá cenner i násë iquindo quenter: “Nér sina ná ye hammë iquila, ma naitë?” | | Therefore the neighbors and [those] who formerly saw that he was [Q: is] a beggar said: “This man is [he] who sat begging, no?” |
9 | Ennoli quenter: “Násë sé.” Exeli quenter: “Lá, mal násë ve sé mi nemesta.” I nér quentë: “Inyë ná sé!” | | Some people said: “It is he.” Others said: “No, but he is like him in appearance.” The man said: “I am he!” |
10 | Etta quenteltë senna: “Manen, tá, hendulyat nánet latyanë?” | | Therefore they said to him: “How, then, were your eyes opened?” |
11 | Hanquentes: “I nér estaina Yésus carnë luxo ar sa-panyanë hendunyatsë ar quentë ninna: Mena Silöamenna ar sova imlë. Etta lenden ar sóvë imnë, ar tá polden cenë.” | | He answered: “The man called Jesus made a mud and put it on my eyes and said to me: Go to Siloam and wash yourself. Therefore I went and washed [my]self, and then I could see.” |
12 | Ar quenteltë senna: “Massë ná sana nér?” Eques: “Uan ista.” | | And they said to him: “Where is that man?” He said: “I do not know.” |
13 | |||
14 | Talleltë i nér ye yá nánë lacenítë i Farisannar. | | They brought the man who formerly was blind to the Pharisees. |
15 | Mal engë sendarë i auressë ya Yésus carnë i luxo ar latyanë henyat. | | But [it] was a day of rest on the day that Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes. |
16 | Sië yú i Farisar maquenter senna pa manen camnes cénë. Eques téna: “Panyanes luxo hendunyatsë ar sóven imnë, ar polin cenë.” | | So also the Pharisees asked him about how he received sight. He said to them: “He put a mud on my eyes and I washed [my]self, and I can see.” |
17 | Etta ennoli i Farisaron quenter: “Nér sina ua Erullo, pan uas hepë i sendarë.” Exeli quenter: “Manen polë nér ye úcarindo ná carë taiti tanwar?” Ar engë şanca mici te. | | Therefore some of the Pharisees said: “This man is not from God, since he does not keep the day of rest.” Others said: “How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?” And [there] was a split among them. |
18 | Etta quenteltë i lacenítë nerenna ata: “Mana elyë quetë pa se, pan latyanes hendulyat?” I nér quentë: “Násë Erutercáno.” | | Therefore they said to the blind man again: “What do you say about him, since he opened your eyes?” The man said: “He is a prophet.” |
19 | Mal i Yúrar uar sávë pa se i yá anes lacenítë ar camnë cénë, tenna yaldeltë i nostaru i nero ye camnë cénë. | | But the Jews did not believe concerning him that formerly he was blind and had received sight, until they called his parents of the man who received sight. |
20 | Ar maquenteltë túna: “Ma quén sina ná yondosta, ye quetistë nánë nóna lacenítë? Manen, tá, polis cenë sí?” | | And they asked them: “Is this person your son, who you say was born blind? How, then, [is it that] he can see now?” |
21 | Sië nostaruryat hanquentet: “Istammë i si yondomma ná ar in anes nóna lacenítë. | | Thus his parents answered: “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind. |
22 | Mal manen sí polis cenë uammë ista, hya man latyanë henduryat uammë ista. Maqueta senna! Násë veäner. Polis quetë insen.” | | But how he can see now we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. Ask him! He is an adult man. He can speak for [him]self.” |
23 | Nostaruryat quentet nati sinë pan runcettë i Yúrallon, an nóvo i Yúrar náner oliéla er sámo i qui aiquen etequentanë Yésus ve Hristo, nauvanes hehtana i yomencöallo. | | His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for beforehand the Jews had come to an agreement [lit. had become of one mind] that if anyone confessed Jesus as Christ, he was to be excluded from the synagogue. |
24 | Sinen nostaruryat quentet: “Násë veäner; maqueta senna.” | ; | Because of this his parents said: “He is an adult man; ask him.” |
25 | |||
26 | Etta yaldeltë mi atteä lú i nér ye yá nánë lacenítë ar quenter senna: “Á anta Erun alcar; istalmë i nér sina úcarindo ná.” | ; | Therefore they called for a second time the man who formerly was blind and said to him: “Give glory to God; we know that this man is a sinner.” |
27 | Mal issë hanquentë: “Qui násë úcarindo uan ista. Er nat istan, i apa návë lacenítë sí cenin.” | | But he answered: “If [/whether] he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I know, that after being blind I now see.” |
28 | Etta quenteltë senna: “Mana carnes lyen? Manen latyanes hendulyat?” | | Therefore they said to him: “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?” |
29 | Hanquentes téna: “Nyarnen len nóvo, ar ualdë lastanë. Mana i casta yanen merildë hlaritas ata? Ma yú lé merir olë hildoryar?” | | He said to them: “I told you before, and you did not listen. What is the reason that you want to hear it again? Do you too want to become his disciples?” |
30 | Ar naicineltes ar quenter: “Elyë hildo ná sana nero, mal elmë nar hildor Móseo. | | And they abused him and said: “You are a disciple of that man, but we are disciples of Moses. |
31 | Istalmë in Eru acarpië Mósenna, mal pa nér sina ualmë ista mallo násë.” | | We know that God has spoken to Moses, but of this man we do not know where he is from.” |
32 | I nér hanquentë ar equë téna: “Si é ná elmenda, in ualdë ista mallo násë, ananta latyanes hendunyat! | | The man answered and said to them: “This is indeed a wonder, that you do not know where he is from, and yet he opened my eyes! |
33 | Istalvë in Eru ua lasta úcarindonnar, mal qui aiquen rucë Erullo ar carë indómerya, he lasta senna. | | We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anybody fears God and does his will, he listens to him. |
34 | Yalúmello úquen oi ahlárië in aiquen latyanë hendu queno ye nánë nóna lacenítë. | | From of old nobody has ever heard that anybody opened the eyes of one who was born blind. |
35 | Au nér sina únë Erullo, poldes carë munta.” | | If this man was not from God, he could do nothing.” |
36 | Hanquenteltë senna: “Elyë nánë nóna aqua mi úcari, ananta peäntal me?” Ar hanteltes ettenna. | | They answered him: “You were born wholly in sins, and yet you teach us?” And they threw him out. |
37 | Yésus hlassë i hanteltes ettenna, ar híriéla se quentes: “Ma elyë savë i Atanyondossë?” | | Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and having found him he said: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” |
38 | I nér hanquentë: “Ar man násë, heru, i polin savë sessë?” | | The man answered: “And who is he, lord, that I can believe in him?” |
39 | Equë senna Yésus: “Ecéniëlyes; é násë ye quéta aselyë.” | ; | Jesus said to him: “You have seen him; indeed he is [the one] who is speaking with you.” |
40 | Tá eques: “Savin, Heru!” Ar hantesexë undu epë se. | | Then he said: “I believe, Lord!” And he threw himself down before him. |
41 | Ar equë Yésus: “Namiën túlen mir mar sina, in i laceníti poluvar cenë, ar in i cenilar oluvar laceníti.” | | And Jesus said: “For judgment I came into this world, that the blind will be able to see, and that the seeing will become blind.” |
42 | Ennoli i Farisaron i enger ósë hlasser nati sinë, ar quenteltë senna: “Lau yú elmë nar laceníti?” | | Some of the Pharisees that were with him heard these things, and they said to him: “Surely we are not blind as well?” |
43 | Equë téna Yésus: “Au aneldë laceníti, penneldë úcarë. Mal sí quetildë: Cenilmë. Úcarelda lemya.” | | Jesus said to them: “If you were blind, you had no sin. But now you say: We see. Your sin remains.” |
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