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Ranta 9

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Írë lahtanes, cennes nér lacenítë i mónallo.          When he passed by, he saw a man blind from the womb.
2 Ar hildoryar maquenter senna: “Ravi, man úacárië, nér sina hya nostaruryat, pan anes nóna lacenítë?”                    And his disciples inquired of him: “Rabbi, who has sinned, this man or his parents, since he was born blind?”
3 Yésus hanquentë: “Nér sina ua úcarnë, hya nostaruryat, mal si martanë in Eruo cardar nauvaner apantanë issenen.                      Jesus answered: “This man did not sin, or his parents, but this happened [so] that God’s deeds were to be revealed by means of him.
4 Mauya ven carë i molië yeo ni-mentanë írë eä aurë; i lómë túla yassë úquen polë molë.          ;         [It] is necessary for us to do the work of [him] who sent me while [it] is day; the night is coming when nobody can work.
5 Írë eän i mardessë, nanyë i mardo cala.”            While I am in the world, I am the world’s light.”
6 Quétéla nati sinë, piutanes i talamenna ar carnë luxo i piutanen, ar panyanes i luxo to i nero hendu                      After he said these things, he spat on the ground and made a mud with the spit, and he put the mud upon the man’s eyes
7 ar equë senna: “Mena, sova imlë i ailindë estaina Silöam” – ya teä Mentana. Ar sië öantes ar sóvë insë, ar nanwennes cenila.                             and said to him: “Go, wash [your]self in the pool called Siloam” – which means Sent. And so he went away and washed himself, and he returned seeing.
8 Etta i armaror ar i yá cenner i násë iquindo quenter: “Nér sina ná ye hammë iquila, ma naitë?”                      Therefore the neighbors and [those] who formerly saw that he was [Q: is] a beggar said: “This man is [he] who sat begging, no?”
9 Ennoli quenter: “Násë sé.” Exeli quenter: “Lá, mal násë ve sé mi nemesta.” I nér quentë: “Inyë ná sé!”                            Some people said: “It is he.” Others said: “No, but he is like him in appearance.” The man said: “I am he!”
10 Etta quenteltë senna: “Manen, tá, hendulyat nánet latyanë?”            Therefore they said to him: “How, then, were your eyes opened?”
11 Hanquentes: “I nér estaina Yésus carnë luxo ar sa-panyanë hendunyatsë ar quentë ninna: Mena Silöamenna ar sova imlë. Etta lenden ar sóvë imnë, ar tá polden cenë.”                                  He answered: “The man called Jesus made a mud and put it on my eyes and said to me: Go to Siloam and wash yourself. Therefore I went and washed [my]self, and then I could see.”
12 Ar quenteltë senna: “Massë ná sana nér?” Eques: “Uan ista.”               And they said to him: “Where is that man?” He said: “I do not know.”
14 Talleltë i nér ye yá nánë lacenítë i Farisannar.           They brought the man who formerly was blind to the Pharisees.
15 Mal engë sendarë i auressë ya Yésus carnë i luxo ar latyanë henyat.               But [it] was a day of rest on the day that Jesus made the mud and opened his eyes.
16 Sië yú i Farisar maquenter senna pa manen camnes cénë. Eques téna: “Panyanes luxo hendunyatsë ar sóven imnë, ar polin cenë.”                           So also the Pharisees asked him about how he received sight. He said to them: “He put a mud on my eyes and I washed [my]self, and I can see.”
17 Etta ennoli i Farisaron quenter: “Nér sina ua Erullo, pan uas hepë i sendarë.” Exeli quenter: “Manen polë nér ye úcarindo ná carë taiti tanwar?” Ar engë şanca mici te.                                     Therefore some of the Pharisees said: “This man is not from God, since he does not keep the day of rest.” Others said: “How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?” And [there] was a split among them.
18 Etta quenteltë i lacenítë nerenna ata: “Mana elyë quetë pa se, pan latyanes hendulyat?” I nér quentë: “Násë Erutercáno.”                         Therefore they said to the blind man again: “What do you say about him, since he opened your eyes?” The man said: “He is a prophet.”
19 Mal i Yúrar uar sávë pa se i yá anes lacenítë ar camnë cénë, tenna yaldeltë i nostaru i nero ye camnë cénë.                          But the Jews did not believe concerning him that formerly he was blind and had received sight, until they called his parents of the man who received sight.
20 Ar maquenteltë túna: “Ma quén sina ná yondosta, ye quetistë nánë nóna lacenítë? Manen, tá, polis cenë sí?”                       And they asked them: “Is this person your son, who you say was born blind? How, then, [is it that] he can see now?”
21 Sië nostaruryat hanquentet: “Istammë i si yondomma ná ar in anes nóna lacenítë.                Thus his parents answered: “We know that this is our son and that he was born blind.
22 Mal manen sí polis cenë uammë ista, hya man latyanë henduryat uammë ista. Maqueta senna! Násë veäner. Polis quetë insen.”                          But how he can see now we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. Ask him! He is an adult man. He can speak for [him]self.”
23 Nostaruryat quentet nati sinë pan runcettë i Yúrallon, an nóvo i Yúrar náner oliéla er sámo i qui aiquen etequentanë Yésus ve Hristo, nauvanes hehtana i yomencöallo.                               His parents said these things because they feared the Jews, for beforehand the Jews had come to an agreement [lit. had become of one mind] that if anyone confessed Jesus as Christ, he was to be excluded from the synagogue.
24 Sinen nostaruryat quentet: “Násë veäner; maqueta senna.”      ;     Because of this his parents said: “He is an adult man; ask him.”
26 Etta yaldeltë mi atteä lú i nér ye yá nánë lacenítë ar quenter senna: “Á anta Erun alcar; istalmë i nér sina úcarindo ná.”                   ;         Therefore they called for a second time the man who formerly was blind and said to him: “Give glory to God; we know that this man is a sinner.”
27 Mal issë hanquentë: “Qui násë úcarindo uan ista. Er nat istan, i apa návë lacenítë sí cenin.”                       But he answered: “If [/whether] he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I know, that after being blind I now see.”
28 Etta quenteltë senna: “Mana carnes lyen? Manen latyanes hendulyat?”           Therefore they said to him: “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?”
29 Hanquentes téna: “Nyarnen len nóvo, ar ualdë lastanë. Mana i casta yanen merildë hlaritas ata? Ma yú lé merir olë hildoryar?”                         He said to them: “I told you before, and you did not listen. What is the reason that you want to hear it again? Do you too want to become his disciples?”
30 Ar naicineltes ar quenter: “Elyë hildo ná sana nero, mal elmë nar hildor Móseo.                  And they abused him and said: “You are a disciple of that man, but we are disciples of Moses.
31 Istalmë in Eru acarpië Mósenna, mal pa nér sina ualmë ista mallo násë.”                 We know that God has spoken to Moses, but of this man we do not know where he is from.”
32 I nér hanquentë ar equë téna: “Si é ná elmenda, in ualdë ista mallo násë, ananta latyanes hendunyat!                      The man answered and said to them: “This is indeed a wonder, that you do not know where he is from, and yet he opened my eyes!
33 Istalvë in Eru ua lasta úcarindonnar, mal qui aiquen rucë Erullo ar carë indómerya, he lasta senna.                     We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anybody fears God and does his will, he listens to him.
34 Yalúmello úquen oi ahlárië in aiquen latyanë hendu queno ye nánë nóna lacenítë.               From of old nobody has ever heard that anybody opened the eyes of one who was born blind.
35 Au nér sina únë Erullo, poldes carë munta.”            If this man was not from God, he could do nothing.”
36 Hanquenteltë senna: “Elyë nánë nóna aqua mi úcari, ananta peäntal me?” Ar hanteltes ettenna.                  They answered him: “You were born wholly in sins, and yet you teach us?” And they threw him out.
37 Yésus hlassë i hanteltes ettenna, ar híriéla se quentes: “Ma elyë savë i Atanyondossë?”                 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and having found him he said: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
38 I nér hanquentë: “Ar man násë, heru, i polin savë sessë?”               The man answered: “And who is he, lord, that I can believe in him?”
39 Equë senna Yésus: “Ecéniëlyes; é násë ye quéta aselyë.”     ;        Jesus said to him: “You have seen him; indeed he is [the one] who is speaking with you.”
40 Tá eques: “Savin, Heru!” Ar hantesexë undu epë se.             Then he said: “I believe, Lord!” And he threw himself down before him.
41 Ar equë Yésus: “Namiën túlen mir mar sina, in i laceníti poluvar cenë, ar in i cenilar oluvar laceníti.”                         And Jesus said: “For judgment I came into this world, that the blind will be able to see, and that the seeing will become blind.”
42 Ennoli i Farisaron i enger ósë hlasser nati sinë, ar quenteltë senna: “Lau yú elmë nar laceníti?”                    Some of the Pharisees that were with him heard these things, and they said to him: “Surely we are not blind as well?”
43 Equë téna Yésus: “Au aneldë laceníti, penneldë úcarë. Mal sí quetildë: Cenilmë. Úcarelda lemya.”                      Jesus said to them: “If you were blind, you had no sin. But now you say: We see. Your sin remains.”

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