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Ranta 8

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No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Mal Yésus lendë Orontenna Milpiëron.       But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2 Árassë nanwennes i cordanna, ar i quanda lië túlë senna, ar hamunes ar peäntanë tiën.                   At dawn he returned to the temple, and the whole people came to him, and he sat down and taught them.
3 Mal i ingolmor ar i Farisar taller senna nís mapana hrupuhtiëssë. Panyala se endeltassë                But the scribes [ingolmor “loremasters”] and the Pharisees brought to him a woman [who had been] seized in adultery. Placing her in their midst
4 quenteltë Yésunna: “Peäntar, nís sina anaië mapana i cardassë hrupuhtiéva.              they said to Jesus: “Teacher, this woman has been seized in the act of adultery.
5 I Şanyessë Móses cannë i nahtuvalmë taiti nissi hatiénen sarni téna. Mana, tá, elyë quetë?”                   In the Law Moses commanded that we are to kill such women by throwing stones at them. What, then, do you say?”
6 Quenteltë si tyastiën se, i samuvaltë nat yanen encë tiën ulquetë se. Mal cumbes undu ar tencë i talamessë leperyanen.                        They said this to test him, that they were to have a thing by which they could accuse him. But he bent down and wrote on the ground with his finger.
7 Írë maquenteltë senna himítivë, orontes ar quentë tiën: “Lava yen pen úcarë ná hatë senna i minya sar!”                     When they asked him persistently, he arose and said to them: “Let [him] who is without sin throw at her the first stone!”
8 Ar ata cuvila undu tences i talamessë.         And again bending down be wrote on the ground.
9 Mal i hlasser si lender öa, quén apa quén, i amyárar minyë, tenna lemnes erinqua as i nís ye tarnë endeltassë.                          But [those] who heard this went away, one ofter one, the elders first, until he remained alone with the woman who stood in their midst.
10 Yésus orontë ar quentë senna: “Nís, massë naltë? Ma úquen namnë lye?”               Jesus arose and said to her: “Woman, where are they? Did nobody judge you?”
11 Eques: “Úquen, heru.” Yésus quentë: “Yú inyë ua namë lye. Mena; ho sí áva úcarë ambë.”                 ;        She said: “Nobody, lord.” Jesus said: “Also I do not [= Neither do I...] judge you. Go; from now [on] do not sin [any]more.”
12 Tá Yésus carampë téna ata, quétala: “Inyë i mardo cala ná. Ye hilya ní ua vantuva morniëssë, mal samuva i cala coiviéva.”                             Then Jesus talked to them again, saying: “I am the light of the world. [He] who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
13 Sië i Farisar quenter senna: “Vettal pa imlë; vettiëlya ua nanwa.”         ;      Thus the Pharisees said to him: “You witness about [your]self; your witness is not true.”
14 Yésus hanquentë ar equë: “Yando qui vettan pa imnë, vettiënya nanwa ná, pan istan yallo tulin ar yanna autan.                        Jesus answered and said: “Even if I witness about [my]self, my witness is true, since I know from whom I come and where I go away.
15 Eldë namir i hrávenen; inyë laumë namë aiquen.    ;      You judge by the flesh; I do not judge anyboy at all.
16 Ananta, qui é namin, námiënya nanwa ná, pan uan erinqua, mal i Atar ye ni-mentanë eä óni.                       And yet, if I do judge, my judgement is true, since I am not alone, but the Father who sent me is with me.
17 Entë, véra Şanyeldassë ná técina: Atan atto vettië nanwa ná.              Furthermore, in your own Law [it] is written: The witness of two men is true.
18 Inyë quén ná ye vetta pa imnë, ar i Atar ye ni-mentanë vetta pa ni.”                   I am one who witnesses about [my]self, and the Father who sent me witnesses about me.”
19 Etta quenteltë senna: “Massë eä Atarelya?” Yésus hanquentë: “Loitaldë ista ni ar Atarinya véla. Au sinteldë ní, sinteldë yú Atarinya.”                           Therefore they said to him: “Where is your Father?” Jesus answered: “You fail to know me and my father alike. If you knew me, you knew also my Father.”
20 Quetiër sinë quentes i harwessë írë peäntanes i cordassë. Mal úquen nampë se, pan lúmerya en únë túliënwa.                      These sayings he spoke in the treasury when he taught in the temple. But nobody seized him, since his time still had not come.
22 Sië quentes téna ata: “Autan, ar cestuvalden, ananta qualuvaldë úcareldassë. Yanna inyë auta eldë uar polë tulë.”                        Thus he said to them again: “I go away, and you will seek me, and yet you will die in your sin. To where I go away you cannot come.
23 Etta i Yúrar quenter: “Lau nahtuvasexë? Pan quetis: Yanna inyë auta eldë uar polë tulë.”                    Therefore the Jews said: “Surely he will not kill himself? Since he says: To where I go you cannot come.”
24 Mal quentes téna: “Eldë nar i tumnallon; inyë i tarmenillon ná. Eldë nar mar sinallo; inyë ua mar sinallo.        ;         ;      But he said to them: “You are from the low [places]; I am from the high places. You are from this world; I am not from this world.
25 Etta quenten lenna i qualuvaldë úcareldassen. An qui ualdë savë in inyë sé ná, qualuvaldë úcareldassen.”                     Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I am he, you will die in your sins.”
26 Etta quenteltë senna: “Man nályë?” Equë téna Yésus: “Ye nyarnen len i yestallo.                 Therefore they said to him: “Who are you?” Jesus said to them: “[I am] who I told you from the beginning.
27 Samin rimbë natali quetiën ar namiën pa lé. Mal ye ni-mentanë şanda ná, ar i nati yar hlassen sello quetin i mardessë.”                           I have many things to say and to judge concerning you. But [he] who sent me is true, and the things that I heard from him I speak in the world.”
28 Ualtë hanyanë i carampes téna pa i Atar.          They did not understand that he spoke to them about the Father.
29 Etta Yésus quentë: “Írë orortayeldë i Atanyondo, tá istuvaldë in inyë sé ná, ar i carin munta imninen, mal tambë i Atar ni-peäntanë quetin nati sinë.                                Therefore Jesus said: “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing by myself [or, on my own initiative], but as the Father taught me I speak these things.
30 Ar ye ni-mentanë eä asinyë; uas ehehtië ni erinqua, pan inyë illumë carë ya fasta se.”     ;               And [he] who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, because I always do [that] which is pleases him.”
31 Írë quentes nati sinë, rimbali sáver sessë.          When he said these things, many believed in him.
33 Etta Yésus quentë i Yúrannar i sáver sessë: “Qui lemyaldë quettanyassë, naldë nanwavë hildonyar,                  Therefore Jesus said to the Jews that believed in him: “If you remain in my word, you are truly my disciples,
34 ar istuvaldë i nanwië, ar i nanwië leryauva le.”             and you shall know the truth, and the truth will free you.”
35 Hanquenteltë senna: “Nalmë Avrahámo erdë, ar ualmë oi anaië aiqueno móli. Manen lertal quetë: Nauvaldë lérë –?”                       They answered him: “We are Abraham’s seed, and we have not ever been anybody’s slaves. How can you say: You shall be free – ?
36 Yésus hanquentë téna: “Násië, násië quetin lenna: Ilquen ye carë úcarë, mól ná i úcareo.                     Jesus answered them: “Truly, truly I say to you: Everyone who does [or, commits] sin is a slave of the sin.
37 Entë, i mól ua lemya i cöassë tennoio; i yondo lemya tennoio.         ;      Furthermore, the slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.
38 Etta, qui i Yondo le-lerya, é nauvaldë lérë.            Therefore, if the Son frees you, you will indeed be free.
39 Istan in eldë nar Avrahámo erdë; mal cestaldë nahta ní, an quettanya ua hirë nómë imíca le.      ;              I know that you are Abraham’s seed; but you are seeking to kill me, for my word does not find [any] place among you.
40 Yar ecéniën ara Atarinya quetin; ar mí imya lé eldë carir yar ahláriëldë atareldallo.”     ;            [The things] that I have seen beside my Father I speak; and in the same manner you do [the things] that you have heard from your father.”
41 Hanquentes senna: “Atarelma Avraham ná!” Equë téna Yésus: “Qui naldë Avrahámo híni, cara Avrahámo cardar!                   They answered him: “Our father is Abraham!” Jesus said to them: “If you are Abraham’s children, do Abraham’s deeds!
42 Mal sí cestaldë nahta ní, atan ye anyárië len i nanwië ya hlassen Erullo. Avraham ua carnë sië.                      But now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do so.
43 Carildë i cardar atareldo.” Quenteltë senna: “Umilmë nónë hrupuhtiénen; samilmë erya Atar, Eru.”            ;        You do the deeds of your father.” They said to him: “We are not born by fornication; we have a single Father, God.”
44 Yésus hanquentë téna: “Au Eru Atarelda né, méleldë ní, an Erullo etutúliën ar nanyë sís. Entë, uan túlë imninen, mal issë ni-mentanë.                              Jesus answered them: “If God was your Father, you loved me, for from God I have come forth and I am here. Furthermore, I did not come by [my]self, but he sent me.
45 Manen ualdë hanya ya quétan? Pan ua ecë len lasta quettanya.             How [is it that] do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word.
46 Naldë atareldo, i Arauco, ar merildë carë atareldo íri. Issë nánë atannahtar i yestallo, ar uas tarnë tulca i nanwiëssë, pan nanwië lá eä sessë. Írë quetis i furu quetis et véraryallon, pan násë furindo ar i furuo atar.                                                You are of your father, the Devil, and you want to do your father’s desires. He was a manslayer from the beginning, and he did not stand firm in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie he speaks out of his own [things], because he is a liar and the father of the lie.
47 Mal pan inyë quetë lenna i nanwië, ualdë savë quetiënya.             But because I say to you the truth, you do not believe my word.
48 Man mici lé naitya ní pa úcarë? Qui quetin nanwië, manen ualdë savë ya quetin?                 Who among you rebukes me about sin? If I speak truth, how [is it that] you do not believe what I say?
49 Ye Erullo ná lasta Eruo quetiër. Sinen eldë uar lasta, an ualdë Erullo.”                  [He] who is from God listens to the sayings of God. Because of [-nen] this you do not listen, for you are not from God.”
51 I Yúrar hanquenter senna: “Ma ualmë quetë mai i nalyë Samáreä ar haryaina lo rauco?”                 The Jews said to him: “Do we not say well [= rightly] that you are a Samaritan and possessed by a demon?”
52 Yésus hanquentë: “Uan haryaina lo rauco, mal laitan Atarinya, ar lé úlaitar ní.                  Jesus answered: “I am not possessed by a demon, but I honor [or “praise”] my Father, and you dishonor me.
53 Mal uan cesta alcar imnin; eä Quén ye cesta sa, ar issë i námo ná.     ;             But I am not seeking glory for myself; there is One who seeks it, and he is the judge.
54 Násië, násië quetin lenna: Qui aiquen himya quettanya, laumë oi cenuvas qualmë.”                  Truly, truly I say to you: If anyone keeps my word, he shall by no means ever see death.
55 I Yúrar quenter senna: “Sí é istalmë i nalyë haryaina lo rauco. Avraham quallë, yú i Erutercánor, mal elyë quetë: Qui aiquen himya quettanya, laumë oi cenuvas qualmë.                                    The Jews said to him: “Now we know indeed that you are possessed by a demon. Abraham died, also the prophets, but you say: If anyone abides by my word, he shall by no means ever see death.
56 Lau elyë ná túra lá Avraham atarelma, ye quallë? Yú i Erutercánor qualler. Man carilyexë?”                  Surely you are not greater than Abraham our father, who died? Also the prophets died. What do you make [of] [your]self?
57 Yésus hanquentë: “Qui antan alcar imnin, alcarinya munta ná. Ye inyen anta alcar Atarinya ná, ye eldë quetir Ainolda ná,                          Jesus answered: “If I will give glory to myself, my glory is nothing. [He] who gives me glory is my Father, who you say is your God,
58 ananta ualdë ista se. Mal inyë ista se. Ar au quenten in uan ista se, anen ve lé – hurila. Mal istanyes, ar quettarya himyan.                                and yet you do not know him. But I know him. And if I said that I do not know him, I were like you – lying. But I know him, and his word I keep.
59 Avraham atarelda sámë túra alassë i sanwenen i cenumnes ninya aurë, ar cenneses ar nánë valima.”                    Abraham your father had great joy at the thought that he was to see my day, and he saw it and was glad.”
60 Etta i Yúrar quenter senna: “Elyë en ua samë löar lepenqueän, ananta ecéniël Avraham?”                 Therefore the Jews said to him: “You still do not have [an age of] fifty years, and yet you have seen Abraham?”
61 Yésus quentë téna: “Násië, násië quetin lenna, nó Avraham engë, inyë eä.”                   Jesus said to them: “Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”
62 Etta leptaneltë sarni hatiën tai senna, mal Yésus nurtanexë ar öantë i cordallo.                Therefore they picked up stones to throw them at him, but Jesus hid himself and went away from the temple.

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