Text index

Part 4


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Mórilantassë i métima menelyo i asto, rendo nanewénië taurello ar cacannanë: Nus usqueo eä vílessë hyarmello!                   At nightfall of the last Wednesday of the month, a cousin had returned from the forest and proclaimed: There is a smell of smoke in the breeze from the south!
3 Mennelmë ettë ar hententanelmë néca cálë hyarnúmessë.         We went outside and spotted a faint glow to the south-west.
4 I rendo equë: Némas avahaira, mal hánonya þoryaila equë: “Yá nus urulóceo anya, i lócë hilyauva, ar ecë sén matë taurë ar amavilë alarcavë lá yallë noruvatyë!                                 The cousin said it seemed far away, but my brother was worried, and said: "When the smell of the fire dragon leads, the dragon will follow, and he can eat a forest and fly faster than you can run!
5 Nai mára cáralmë lenwë, lá istyalmë i lóceo saicë.”             Best we should leave, we do not know how hungry this dragon is."
7 Mal rendo hanquentë: “Sinomë aryonië menya ar hilmíva!          But the cousin replied: This place is our inheritance, and that of our children!
8 Mauralvë etulya nén nendello martamenna, ar rehta hauralvar.           We must put water from the lake on the house, and save our stores.
9 Entë i ruivë ná haira, ar ecë i vaiwen querë ollo ve.               Moreover, the fire is far off, and the wind may turn away from us.
10 Exa lië náquenter sen, lá aþailë avarta mardinta hya penta míri auriëntali.               Others agreed with him, reluctant to abandon their dear home or lose their precious belongings.
11 San costanelmë i lómenna, pen autië.         So we argued into the night, and did not leave.

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