Text index

Part 5


This is original text by chaered, first posted on VL. The text is still under review, so NOT FINISHED YET! (Caveat lector.)


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 Óressë nannelmë etsenna, cendaila i taurë hyarnúmeno.          At sunrise we went back outside, peering at the forest in the south-west.
2 Usquë enelyanië ve þindë tarmar menelenna, ar analelyanië ambë.            The smoke had thickened like grey pillars, and obviously drawn closer.
3 Lië lalammaner pá i raxi ar i aryë ahtariéli.           People chatted about the dangers and the best measures.
4 Engë hwinquetë pá manë sattar i martamo ar restar nár i anvaldië rehtiéva.               There was confused talk about what parts of the house and fields were most important to save.
5 Mo cínë, i raxë ruiveo únë failatië ú-pusto lenweo, ar pententanes mermë ya mentauvalmë rië maqua formenna, autulyaila i híni ar lamni.                           Someone supposed the danger of the fire was not a justification for immediately leaving, and wished to send only a small group north, taking the children and the animals.
6 Hye ósannë ólavië, cólema, ar menta fai mo itan tiris ruiven ar ostecis tarmë.                  Another counseled a compromise, to have patience, and to send one to scout the fire first and report the situation.
8 Cólema hánonyo etélië ar naiquentes, epta eccannes: Vá sië vorotaitauvalvë!             My brother had lost his patience and cursed, then proclaimed: We cannot procrastinate like this!
9 Hanyeän nílilda vortalen laulestalvo, ar valatelda martamelvan, illangiéla uis carassë, ar úva vorë túra ruivë!                   I understand your concern for the preservation of our livelihood, and your pride for our home, nevertheless it is not a fortress, and cannot stand against a big fire!
10 I ahtarulas elven ná varyandor i coivin si uoméo, ilya sitë vilva nyatil hapyauva elvë mennai littë untupuva corpelvar!”                     Our responsibility is to be protectors of the lives of this community, all this aimless idle talk will delay us until ash covers our skulls!
12 Talumë vilwistë carnë lumna lengë, sestanes atartil tal lunguntessë ambartelmava.             Then, the weather made an ominous gesture, and put a thumb onto the scales of our fate.
13 Lan elmë lanquenter, vílë ambaróneo ólië tanca vaiwë, ar i þindë tarmar en ólië þinda lantanna, manwa inga vernë fanyalinna orro or elmë.                            While we were talking, the morning breeze grew into a steady wind, and the grey pillars soon turned into a grey wall whose top wove into the clouds up high above us.
14 Ta rumnë elvë martandenna, ar ilyë þáquenter, en lá ú siciéno ar pengiéno, þanga meter lendië.                     This spurred a decision, and all agreed, though not without some sighs and pouts, to pack up for travel immediately.
15 I rendo ar nótima lië yuncer lúmelta tyelca tupiën tammalíva ar mar-armarwa larúnen hya pocolínen, caitaneltë te mina saptali i yuhtalmë auhantain, ta tumpeltë loxonen.                             The cousin and a few others made time to hastily cover some tools and household items in grease or bags, threw them into pits we kept for refuse, and then covered them with soil.
16 Verressenya partanë i híni ve ríma, ar peäntanë inten ilya cilë rië reä tyalma hya tolipincë i lendan, ar ronda collo ar töallë.                           My sister-in-law arranged the children into a line, and allowed them to pick only one toy or doll to carry on the journey, and a sturdy cloak and blanket.

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