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This tree in the wood,
so long it has stood
in brown and in green
draws the letter here seen.


Audio recordings to accompany the text.
By Caliel
By Chaered
By espeak-ng TTS


No. Quenya Tengwar Means
1 si ALDA tauressë    This tree in the forest
2 ná tengwava essë    is a tengwar's name
3 i laica ar varnë     which, brown and green
4 andavë termarnë   has stood a long time


A translation into Dutch: (BOOM)

   Een boom in 't woud
die, waar hij blijft,
met loof en hout
een letter schrijft.
A tree in the forest
that, where it stays,
with foliage and wood
writes a letter.

Ránatar/Maivandion on VL provided a translation into Russian: (ДЕРЕВО)

   Дерево лесное,
В форме буквы стоя,
Летом зеленится,
В осень багрянится.
Forest tree,
standing in the shape of a letter,
greens in summer,
becomes vermeil in autumn.

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